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Hello my lovely readers. I would never, ever, ever, think about doing this normally but I'm finding myself running out of options. If you could copy, paste, and checkout that go fund me I would be very grateful. If sharing it is all that you can do that would help.

As the night went on, all my mates, and all my kids came and went. When it was time for the kids to go to bed they all came down for kisses. I got the greatest surprise when Kiara after kissing me kissed my stomach and said goodnight to the twins. Coco was last to get her kiss. I kissed her a smacking kiss on the cheek.

"Nighty-nite my little coco bean." Honey took her off grinning. As it got later I finally sighed and rolled my eyes.

"How about you guys take turns sitting with me. That way someone can some sleep." They agreed grudgingly and then argued for twenty minutes about who'd go first. I ended the discussion by asking Alex to sit with me first. He was grinning when he took a seat on the edge of the bed where I patted. I watched him closely as he rubbed my stomach for me.

"Alex, you know I'm not upset with you because I'm pregnant right?" He seemed confused by my question.

"I know that." He tipped his head. "Besides as much as I think it'd be nice, I really think that Don is to blame for this one." He says laughing.

"You do?" That really surprised me.

"Yes. There's a certain... connection you feel with your kids. Even though we love them just the same there's a recognition with ones that are ones that have your blood verses ones that don't. While I have a definite love for these twins I don't feel the same connection that Don does. The same connection I have to Ethan, the baby I carry, or Honey's baby." I smiled. That's right Honey's we were pretty certain was his. He chuckled and shook his head. "You were worrying about me again. I can tell."

"I can't help it. I love you. I didn't want you to feel, upset that I might be upset with you."

"No, I know that despite it all you are happy about this. Though I have a feeling you are going to be threatening Don before it's all done."

"Cuddle with me." I say slipping over further on the bed so he can lay with me. A couple hours later Honey shows up. Every couple hours they switch around through my mates. My kids come down and say good morning before they head off to school. Coco is carrying around the stuffed fox since Timmy's at school. My contractions are getting closer. Don shows up and won't go away. Mark is replaced by Rance around noon. I'm getting crabby and I know it.

"Can I help?" Don asks for the millionth time.

"Yes, you can find condoms and put them in every spare drawer we have over the entire house. I want them handy for the next time I want you." He's smiling at me. "Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"Because I was fully expecting to be told I'd never top, ever again." I snorted.

"Hell no, I like that cock deep inside me." I saw Rance grinning at us.

"And why are you smiling?" I ask him as I pace around the room.

"I was kind of figuring on the same thing, you'd be swearing off ever being topped ever again."

"Ever thought to try?" I ask him smiling.

"No. I like to bottom. I've never topped and never been tempted." The difficulty with him and sex flitted through my brain. I hoped he'd been okay this past week while I was indisposed. I gasped and staggered in my pacing as strong contraction rippled over my stomach. I felt a gush and looked down.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now