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Turning back to the sitting room I went in to find two men wrapping Zeke's body in a tarp. I dropped the flesh I still carried in with it. Both men stared at me wide eyed.

"Don't worry. I'm not as scary as this might say." I don't think they believed me. I looked at Brenda and the guard still with her.

"Do you want to pack a bag, you'd be welcome to stay with us while Isaac recovers."

"Will you let him come home?"

"When I'm sure that he's recovered and we discuss his baby and being mates with my daughter he can come home." she was staring.

"Mates with your daughter?" I explained the trouble at school and my belief that he was telling the truth of why he'd said what he did. I'd have to talk to Kiara about him.

"Oh I see. Yes I'll pack a bag."

"Give her a hand." The guard with her nodded and they headed off, the last guard stood there ready for more orders. "Looks like it's just me and you. So got some spare shorts around here?" I ask looking down. He went to a cabinet in the corner and pulled out some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I shifted back, I saw the guards eyes go wide as he saw me in all my non furred glory. He looked up at the ceiling and licked his lips. I smiled and chuckled. I knew I was a sight to see, I didn't give it much thought most of the time. My mates loved me so I was pretty content with it. When Brenda was back with the guard I smiled.

"There's a lot to do here but I'd like to go home and assure my mates that I'm just fine." I looked to the two guards. "I'll be back bright and early in the morning. Anyone who wants to leave is welcome too. I'd suggest that the 'harem' be home. I want to talk to them, and I do mean talk. Until I say otherwise, all 'visits' are to stop." they both nod. I gathered my cell and keys and escorted Brenda out. It wasn't long to get home, as we pulled in she was nervously biting her lips.

"But he's alright?" I nod.

"Lets go see."

The minute I'm in the door all my mates are appearing from all over the house. The first to me is Mark. He's crying.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Kind of tired but I'm fine." I tell him holding him. He tried to be so distant and aloof but it was times like this that it showed how much he loved me. Lucas was next to hug me, then one by one were hugging me. Iggy was last, I got a hug but I also got a kiss. A deep kiss full of tongue and a deep moan.

"Wow. Now there's a welcome I wasn't expecting." I say when he lets go a little. "I was expecting lots of tears and yelling from everyone. Maybe a head slap from you."

"I love you Luke. When I'm sure you are okay, you might get that head slap but for now I'm just glad you are home and safe. Rance has been pacing the entire house while you were gone.

"Rance, oh shit the connection. I never even thought of that when I left." I looked for him just then realizing he's not there. "Where is he?"

"He'd locked himself in one of the guest rooms a couple hours ago. Won't come out."

"Which one?"

"The green room." I started for the stairs.

"Uh, Luke who is this?" Angie asks.

"Right, sorry. Brenda my mates. Mates, Brenda Isaac's mom. Is he still in the clinic?"

"No he's across the hall from where Rance is." I wave for her to follow me. Isaac is stretched out in the bed when I pop in.

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