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Trevor came back up as I stood.

"I can't believe he said that."

"I'm surprised as well. The two of them are close. If he's jealous of Lucian and Nate spending so much time together he may just be acting out. Lucian is pretty ticked with his brother though."

"Carrie is fit to be tied. She's increased his punishment to no dessert tonight." I chuckled.

"I knew Nate might get resistance at school I hadn't thought about it happening in the pack."

"I'm sorry Luke. I don't know where he'd have gotten that."

"I'm a little curious about that. If you manage to ferret it out I'd like to know."

"Sure." I turned to Iggy who was watching Nate and Lucian jump into the pool.

"You alright?"

"I don't like that a member of his own pack said that. Even if he doesn't mean it, he said it. That means he heard it somewhere and since he spends all his time with pack, it's pack that's said it."

"I know. Trevor will let us know if he figures out where Brady picked it up from. I don't like that kind of influence in the pack either."

"I'm going to go watch the boys. I want to be on hand if Nate is still upset." I nodded and kissed his cheek. Ethan came over to me as I sat near the grill.

"Daddy, mommy says I should go play with the other kids. That it'd be good for me. I don't want too."

"Why not?"

"Cause they play too rough. I want to go watch a movie in the movie room."

"What are they playing?"

"They are playing tag but they are rough and keep shifting back and forth." Ethan was the quiet one. He didn't like playing like that. Tag was okay but his pup didn't like the rough stuff.

"How about you suggest something else to do?"

"I tried they don't want too."

"Some of the older kids are swimming. Nate and Lucian are over there with papa. You could do that." I could tell that wasn't completely objectionable. He nodded and headed off. I looked up as someone dropped into the chair next to me. It was dad.

"Luke, having a good day?"

"I am having a great day." He smiled at me. I knew he got a kick out of the fact I was easily pleased when my family and pack were around me. "How is Ebony?"

"She's bouncing off the walls. It was unexpected but she's thrilled. Mike is a little unsure about more siblings. But he's working with it." I sat with my dad just chatting. My mates were having fun with the pack. In the middle of shoving to my feet when I hear the crowd around me go quiet. Looking around I follow gazes to Ephraim. I chuckled. Shamans did tend to get that reaction. I headed over to him.

"Ephraim, nice to see you. We weren't expecting you."

"Sorry to just show up but we needed to talk."

"That doesn't sound good."

"Well it's complicated. I don't mean to interrupt." I looked around at my pack. They were watching us.

"Why don't we go inside." He followed me in and up to my office. "So, you said we needed to talk?"

"First, how is Ethan doing?"

"He's alright. He hasn't been having any trouble as far as I know."

"That's good. The reason I need to talk to you is that he's going to need some training. I'm assuming the reason that goddess has told me about him is that I've been your go to guy since you mated Iggy."

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