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The minute I raised up he went on with his thought. "I'm no body. You shouldn't care for me."

"I more than care for you. A man who's taken such good care of my family. Whose tried so hard to make a place for himself. One who has been dependable and done anything asked of him. Rance however we started you are my mate. I love you. I want you as my mate. Here with me, another father to my children. A man who I know will be there because he wants to be beside me." The minute I said those special three little words his face had been open shock. I bent and kissed him again. This time I took it deep. Not that bruising kiss I had to do before. This was full and encompassing and I felt him respond. He pulled back and smiled.

"I love you too Luke. Not just because you can make me cum. But because you are a good man. A man I've looked for all my life. I'm honored that you love me, that you want to share your family and life with me." I saw him grin and blush. "And I'm honored to be caring your children." I stared my mouth hanging down. I grinned and grabbed him up to swing him around.

"You are pregnant? Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. I took two tests just to be sure. Looks like you weren't kidding about not missing." I kissed him over and over taking a few steps I pressed him to the wall. His eyes never left mine as I kissed him, caressed his body and finally removed his clothes. I lifted him and spread his body wide for me. I thrusted in not holding back but not being as rough as I had been. Still his eyes never left mine. I saw the tightness in his face. His eyes unfocused. He was close. Would he go over? No. He stayed right there on the edge. I didn't get rougher. He needed a catalyst something to throw him over. Something not teeth. Digging my fingers into ass, it got him closer. I started to lower my head going for teeth but he pulled me up jerking my by my hair. I grunted and I saw a flash in his eyes. A little spurt of cum.

"Don't look away. Right in my eyes. It's there. So close." He said barely able to breath. I kept my eyes locked with his as he fought to keep the eye contact. His hand pulled tighter on my hair I grunted. Another flash in his eyes. Was he maybe a little sadistic as well as masochistic. I'd never gotten off on pain. But that I knew it pleased him made it work for me. He was there, but he just wasn't going over.

"Rance, I love you." I said, the need to utter the words was all over me. As he heard it he grinned and broke, he came stream after stream staining my shirt. I grunted and filled him with my cum. Slipping backward I stumbled to the bench and sat. Our clothes ruined as our half shapes had come into view. His hands combed through my hair softly. He chuckled sending his nose through the light fur on my shoulder.

"Who'd have known the best trigger for me would be three little words I could never ask for. Words only you would be able to say and make me believe."

"I love you." I said again. I felt him shiver and his body contract on me. Pulling tighter to him I tipped his head back. With my eyes locked on him I said it again. "I love you." His eyes slammed shut and his body contracted tighter and he came again. I grinned like mad. What he needed was indeed something that no one else had been capable of. Love. He needed to see it, feel it, hear it. He chuckled.

"You are going to have to be careful with that. It's going to flip my switch pretty good I think."

"I'm going to have to work on it though. The second time wasn't powerful enough to have you shifting to full form. I need to fix that." he chuckled. I saw the pool door flip open saw two teen faces and they quickly backed out and slammed the door shut.

"Sorry alpha. Didn't know the place was occupied." It was Max's voice.

"It happens, do me a favor find a mate of mine unoccupied and tell them to find me here."

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now