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"Oops, looks like they aren't going to wait any longer." We got bottles and each took a baby. I ended up with my son.

"Take my word for it son, girls are crazy." I tell him. Honey laughs.

"And yet you keep marrying us." I chuckle. Brice and Tommy who were both present for our little drama. I saw them watching us.

"So, thinking we are all nuts?"

"You maybe, you have eleven of them." Tommy says. I laugh.

"Uh, would it be alright, can I hold her?" Brice asks Alex. Alex smiles.

"Sure. Ever held a baby before?"

"No." Alex taught him how to hold a newborn and let him finish feeding her, her bottle. Tommy is watching him, smiling.

"You look good like that?"

"Feels pretty good. Bet it feels nicer when it's our daughter." I chuckle and look at Alex.

"Am I that sappy with the kids?" I ask.

"No, you are worse." That gets a room of laughter. I hear footsteps and see Isaac come in the room. I raise an eyebrow.

"You are supposed to be resting."

"I did for the last eight hours solid. I just wanted to get some breakfast." I stand and motion for him to sit. I hand him my son.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"I'm making you sit and hold my son. I'll fix breakfast, the kids will be down soon. You sit here and see what babies are like. Don't drop him." I head for the fridge. He's holding DJ like he's made of glass. As I start a pan heating up for bacon I hear a gurgle and turn to see DJ wiggling completely happy with his new buddy. I smile. "Looks like he likes you."

"Right. Uh, I've never held a baby before, you sure you want me to keep him?"

"You are doing great." As I cook I hear my mates up, then the kids come down. I'm not surprised when I see Kiara frown at Isaac. I needed to deal with that.

"I'm headed back over to the Hyena's today. There's a lot of things I need to see to. I'm assuming everyone is going back to normal routines." They all nodded.

"Jenny, will you get Isaac's homework today. He's going to stay home and rest."

"Sure." She said smiling at Isaac.

"I still can't believe you are his mate." She frowns.

"Why, think I'm not good enough?" She said annoyed.

"On the contrary I think you are too good for him. You don't realize that most of the high school has this idea of you as the untouched princess. You are sweet, and beautiful and until mated we were all pretty sure, untouched. Aaron asked you out and we were all stunned at his audacity. He broke up with you because half the football team threatened his life if he touched you. Jenny you were the heir to the Swan King, you were going to be Queen."

"She what?" I asked sitting forward. She sighed and glared at Isaac.

"It doesn't matter I never wanted it. I'm happy to be here and just be your mate. I didn't ask to be born a Princess." I chuckled.

"Well you aren't the only one here that was born royalty, and I don't mean me." I looked at Iggy. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah and it nearly got me killed."

"You're a prince?" Angie asks.

"My mother was Queen of the snakes. I was born to her, technically that makes me a prince. I never wanted it and when all the rules were known and it was found out that mating and marrying Luke made me unable to claim that throne I was thrilled. I am happy to be his Luna, yeah technically him being King makes me Queen but I only wear that title when absolutely necessary. I'd hand it off to Emmy if I could."

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