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"Hi, your still up?"

"Yes." He pulled me into his room and kissed me. I just went with it. Something told me I might not get a lot of sleep tonight if I had to reassure all my mates. He didn't take me to the bed but turned and backed against the door. He shoved his boxers off and then pushed my sweats off. I didn't have to ask just hiked him up an thrusted inside of him. There were no words as I made love to him. When we came, shifted and my knot formed I staggered back to the bed. As he lay on me I felt him shiver. Looking at him I saw him crying.

"Mark? Baby what's wrong?"

"You can't leave me. I'm pregnant we're having twin boys. You can't leave me. Not after everything, finally settling in and finding out how much I love you, you can't leave me alone."

"I won't baby I promise." I held him as he cried himself to sleep. I had really scared them all by taking off like I had. It was the right thing to do but I could have waited till daylight and not head off at dusk. Seeing Rance upset probably didn't help. He'd felt it all. I was certain when he got a moment he'd have something to say about it all.

When I slipped from him and shifted back I tucked him in and headed for suite two. I was barely in the door when Libby was throwing herself in my arms and Lucas was right with her. I held them as they both cried.

"Are you insane to just go off like that and then refusing to take help." Libby says.

"Did you forget these are the men who took you at gun point. They threatened to kill you." Lucas adds.

"Why didn't you let me go Luke?" I hear and look at Don.

"Because while I trust you to protect the family and pack, I know you can do it and stay reasonably safe, but you are my mate, not my enforcer. You might be strong and pretty indestructible but I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt because of a decision I made. Donavan, despite why my pup chose you I love you, I married you, I have babies with your eyes and nose. I don't want you to be hurt." He came over and slid a hand past Lucas to my shoulder.

"You might be alpha but just as I am yours, you belong to us, three of those babies were born from your body I don't want anything to happen to you. Promise you'll let me come next time."

"I can't do that. I am alpha, it's my job to protect you not the other way around." His face clouded over.

"God damn it Luke, I love you. Please." I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm sorry Donavan, you know I'd do anything for you but I will not allow you to be in harms way, the kind of harm that tonight was."

"He won't do it because he's a big jerk." Angie says pure anger in her voice. I looked to see her in the middle of Don and Lucas' bed. Her eyes and face were red, her cheeks sopping wet with tears. "Likes to scare us all to death. Order us to stay on the property then just leaves for hours while we pace the house worried. We are pregnant you know. Do you have any feeling about what would happen to your children if you died?" I let go of my mates and went to her but she scooted back on the bed so I couldn't touch her. "Don't touch me you jerk." I followed her and dragged her into my arms. She started to struggle but it went away as she began to sob again.

"I'm sorry Angela. I really am but I had to go. No one else was doing anything. Being a King and Alpha really sucks on days like today but it's who I am. I can't shirk my duty."

"If you did we'd probably think you'd gone crazy." She said pulling back.

"Can't you promise to take someone. Don't take Don if you are worried about him but you have pack aplenty, warriors, single for this very reason, so they don't leave mates and children alone if they die. You have eleven mates. You have twenty three kids and counting you can't just go out willy-nilly and fight people."

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