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The ring was three slim bands of silver, gold, and something black braided together.

"What's the black."

"Hematite. The others are pure gold and pure silver." That would be pricey. "Three very different things that all somehow look perfect together."

"Luke those are perfect."

"Definitely. I'll take them."

"Not even gonna ask how much?"

"I don't care." I pulled out the bank card and handed it over. I did notice that the receipt as she handed it too me said original price for each ring was ten thousand dollars but she gave me fifty percent off of the total price.

"Thank you." I said adding a five hundred dollar tip authorization to the paper and handed it back.

"You are welcome. I know those will have a good home with you."

"I'm thinking that one should go on your right hand and then put the one for us on your middle finger of your left hand. You'll have all the mates on your left and then three of you that are special on your right. Seems perfect." I frowned

"Are you sure. I don't want anyone to think I'm playing favorites with Rance or him to think I'm trying to make up for the fact we don't have a spark."

"Trust me you ask, the others will say the same thing I did." I wasn't sure but I would ask no matter what. I lingered around the mall. I'd spent a lot less time with Libby then I had with the others and I was enjoying having her here, just her and I. She puts her arm though mine and smiles at me.

"So if we have what we came for why are we walking away from the truck?"

"Because we are alone and having a nice day and I want to extend it a little while. I'm thinking we should do something fun, just us."

"Like what?"

"I have no idea. We could go to a movie, go to an arcade. We could be wild and get tattoo's."

"No thanks. I have my claim mark that's as close to a tattoo as I ever want to get."

"We could take my credit card and go buy out a baby shop?"

"Ooh now there is an idea. Lets do that." So we spent the rest of the day going in and out of every baby and kid shop and buying anything that looked halfway fun or cute. It was nearly dinner when we finally got home. I honked to get help to carry everything in.

"Why are you honking?" Was Iggy's first question.

"Because I bought out the mall. Help carry the loot." I tell him. Libby is chatting a million miles an hour about everything we bought as it's carried in. As we make trip after trip in and then back to the car for more I notice more than once Iggy is rubbing his stomach. When the last batch is inside and the living room really looks like I bought the mall I catch him and pull him into the hall. I slip my hand under his shirt to rub his stomach.

"Everything alright? You've been rubbing your stomach." He sighs.

"I got another kicker on my hands. A thousand dollars says he's an alpha like Kiara."

"Gonna blame it on the boy this time?"

"Mark my words, boy, and alpha."

"Can I help?" I ask rubbing his stomach.

"Actually, doing that is helping." I slide behind him. With my arms around him I gently rub his stomach. Angie pops out of the living room.

"Hey no monopolizing the alpha. Share." She admonishes him. He sticks his tongue out at her.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now