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I watch for a moment as they get lost to the pleasure then I slip under his legs and press my cock to his entrance. He's very tight despite the slick and arousal. "Uh, Trace?" I say getting his attention.

"Do you normally talk this much."

"Sometimes." Jenny stills again looking over her shoulder at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Trace have you ever been topped before?" He has his eyes closed.

"No. Why?" He asks. Jenny leans forward onto his shoulders making him open his eyes.

"Trace, a first time for you is like the first time for me. You might not have a hymen to break but you will feel the stretch for the first time. It can be a lot."

"How do you know?"

"I just inherited six male co-mates that bounce between over protective brothers and teasing lechers. I know more about sex then I ever thought to learn. It's a very free subject around here when kids aren't around." This changes my plan. I had assumed he'd been topped. He certainly acted free enough on the subject that I had assumed he had been. She looked over her shoulder at me.

"Well, I think we'll not do this then. He needs more prep before I can be inside him." She grins.

"Well, I don't need that kind of prep."

"I'm a little big for a first time just pushing inside."

"I don't mind trying if it's too much I'll tell you. I'm kind of curious about it. The others were talking about how good it was with them. Libby said Rance was a wonder. Will you measure up."

"Cheeky twerp." I say kissing her. She giggles. I slip up higher as she bends forward.

"Why is her first time not as bad as my first time?" Trace asks. I swear he sounds jealous that he's not being topped.

"Because she doesn't have a cherry to pop this way and you do." I tell him. "The only male mate I have that was the same was Iggy and we were both to young and stupid to do anything but plow right ahead. I'd wished I'd known to take care instead of just taking his ass in the school bathroom because we were both to horny to wait longer. I'm going to take the time with you."

"See, isn't he sweet." Jenny says to Trace. "You are supposed to agree." She says pinching him.

"Oh yes. He is such a darling boy." Trace says in a monotone and rolls his eyes. I chuckle and press my tip to Jenny's ass. She grins and I feel her let her body relax as I press inside.

"Damn you feel good." I tell her as I come to rest inside of her. "Are you alright?" I ask her.

"They were right, this feels great." She tips her hips. Rolling them around so that Trace and I both roll inside of her. I keep still as she continues to move. But I want more. I put my hands over Trace's where he holds her hips.

"Luke, get rid of the pillow." Trace says. I jerk it from under him. He pulls out and begins to thrust. I help him hold her steady. As he pushes in I pull out. Our movement opposite we push her toward a hard orgasm. I wondered briefly what he'd think of her new half form. I'd warned him we'd shift. Would he as well? He wasn't claimed yet.

"I can't... I can't..." In tandem Trace and I slow our thrusts.

"You can't what?" I ask but I get my answer as she shivers and cums. Her body jerks but she doesn't shift. She's nearly boneless. Trace holds her tightly as we start moving again faster then he pushes deep and holds still while I adjust my position and thrust fast and hard into her. She gasps her nails digging into his shoulders. She cums again, then again as I move.

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