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Our nice evening got derailed when two wolves showed up. The two were big and were obviously known to the group.

"You are not welcome here." Marcus tried. "I've talked to your alpha about this. You were told that if you made a nuisances of yourselves again you would be incarcerated for a protracted amount of time." I knew about the agreement I had approved it when Marcus emailed me about it. Angie had stood when I did as they arrived. I pushed her back behind me and stepped forward. Marcus' eye's flipped to mine.

"Alpha these are Brad and Carl. I emailed you about the trouble we had with them."

"So you did. Gentleman, let me introduce myself. I am Luke. Dog Alpha and King." I saw their eyes go wide. "I believe that the agreement with you alpha also had a contingent that if you indeed showed up again we were allowed to deal with you in whatever way we saw fit. I had ordered the group to call your alpha and make him deal with you but since I'm here I think I'll call your alpha myself." I pulled out my cell.

"Big bad dog king's a coward. Gonna call and tattle on us like a little kid." I sighed.

"I could deal with you myself but I'm pretty sure that you will find it hard to breath after ward. Push it and you may find being alive afterward hard. I'd prefer your alpha kick your asses and maintain the balance we have. I'll leave it up to you, walk away in which case I'll call your alpha and he can discipline you how he sees fit or you can continue to stand here in which case I will consider your trespassing an act of aggression and discipline you myself." they both growled and shifted to half forms. I dropped my phone and shifted to half form catching one as he jumped me and then kicking the other as he tried to get past me to get to the group. I was juggling the one on top of me trying to keep his mouth from my skin when I heard wrestling. I turned to see a full tiger claws deep in the other wolf. My pup saw red. Angie was going to get hurt. I gave up on trying to maim him. I threw my weight to the side and rolled with him beneath me. I dug claws into his stomach and racked upward emptying his body of it's organs. I turned to the second wolf. He turned to me and clamped down hard on my arm. Angie stayed back as I wrestled with him trying to get him under control to either disable or kill him. His feet kicked at my legs while his hands racked over my torso bleeding me. I used his grip on my arm to jerk his head up and bare his neck to me. I buried my fangs into his neck and ripped his throat from his body. He gurgled as he fell away from me. I was breathing heavy. Rage rolled high in me. I took several deep breaths and turned to Angie.

"Are you out of your god damn mind. You could have been hurt, or killed." I yelled at her. She melted back to human and sighed annoyance plain on her face.

"I couldn't very well just stand there and let two of them try for you. Marcus needed to keep the pack safe. I am more than qualified for the protection you needed. So I helped. I don't regret it. Be mad all you want but I did what was necessary." she said crossing her arms over her bared body. I looked around and motioned to one of the young woman standing near by.

"May she borrow your sweater?" the young lady nodded and shrugged off the long button up sweater. She helped Angie get it on over some cuts and what would be bruises in a little while. "Marcus call their alpha if you please put it on speaker I'll talk to him myself." a deep male voice answered after a moment.

"Marcus? What do you need?"

"Alpha Young, this is Luke, alpha and dog king. We spoke at length a few months ago."

"Yes so we did."

"I am in town. I wanted to inform you that you have two wolves here. Brad and Carl. They trespassed and threatened me and my pack. If you want what's left of them please come get it now."

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