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"No. That's a long story we'll get into another time. He ended up as my mate and I love him, as far as I'm concerned he's my mate spark or no spark. I didn't have them with Emmy, Don or Angie either and they are still my mates."

"How's that?"

"They were chosen mates. A benefit of the Full moon Luna link Iggy and I have is my pup can choose a mate to fill a need I have. They filled needs for me. I'm really hoping with a dozen living mates I've got my basis covered. But I want to learn about you, besides play the violin extremely well, what do you do?" I ask him. He snorts.

"Not much. My family all moved away, I had no mate or kids. I buried myself in work. Now that I've got that family finally I'm going to pour myself a little less into my work. It's perfect timing. With the new Album done I can take some time off. Spend it with you and the kids." I grinned. I was getting really lucky in my last mate. I kissed him gently.

"You are gonna make me fall hard. It never takes much when I claim a new mate. I see them, feel them, learn who they are so quickly. I trust that goddess brings me someone good. You are saying all the perfect things, just being yourself which is a really good man. I'm really hoping that you'll want to be added to the wedding next year. I'm really thinking we should break it up into a couple different ones. I know Iggy and Rance and I'll want a ceremony for us. It might be easiest to split them up into girls and boys but I'll leave that up to you all. As long as I know when to dress up and where to be I'll be a happy man. So gonna make it an even six to plan that ceremony?" I ask him. I see him swallow and nod.

"Yes. Wow. I never really thought to get married. After all the claim is more permanent then any marriage. So you've married how many of them so far?"

"Iggy, Emmy, Alex, Honey, Don, and Ness. We had a ceremony when the triplets were only a few months old. It was beautiful. We recorded the whole thing."

'I'll show it to you sometime Trace. We had two videos taken and then a friend of ours spliced it together so that it was real movie ish. I think the best part is the look on Luke's face as we walk down the aisle to him.' Emmy says.

"I'd love to see it."

"They kept having to remind me to breath." I said and he chuckled with me. I could still picture them as they walked toward me.

'I've been thinking about the wedding for you and Iggy,' Rance said in the link 'Since you two are already married to each other, you should both be waiting while I walk down the aisle. I'm thinking we'll go traditional black and white with blue accents, since were all male. I'll where a white tux, even white shoes. I'm gonna insist on no roses. They are over done for weddings.'

'You should do something off the wall like daffodils or cherry blossoms. Or something.' Emmy says. As they debate flowers for weddings I just relax over Trace and before I know it I'm falling asleep.

I wake to someone poking my cheek. Opening my eyes I see Trace sitting up next to me.

"I was expecting a kid to be poking at me." I say rolling to my back.

"Iggy said to wake you and ask if you want breakfast."

"No, just coffee."

"And he said if you say, coffee to remind you that you need your energy and to come eat breakfast even if you don't want it."

"Then why does he ask of I want it if he's going to make me eat it anyway?"

"I don't know but I'm realizing he's the mom of the group. He mothers everyone and he's got the whole wife thing down as well. Fits perfect. I expected Emmy to fill at least one of those roles, the others get aspects but he really is like your wife and everyone's mom."

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