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AN: This page is a little long so make sure you have the time to read it all, you won't want to stop.

I woke alone in bed the next morning. After a shower and having breakfast with my family. I headed for work. Don headed into the gym, Ness went to watch the kids, Alex headed out to check on Lilly and Brice who were expecting their third child. He'd spend most of the day there helping her out. Iggy would be doing all kinds of things and I rarely could keep up with him. With them set and Emmy and Honey not going to be back until around lunch I just started working. One of the things I had to do was call and check on the group having hyena trouble.


"Rebecca? It's Luke. How are you?"

"Alpha, it's good to hear from you. I'm alright what about you, and your family?"

"We are doing very well thank you. I wanted to call, I got your email. I wanted to see if the Hyena were being have themselves."

"They've been keeping their distance the new alpha is keeping a tight eye on them. Some of them aren't so happy about that. But so far they've respected the new alpha."

"That's good. Was there any hurt in the confrontation?"

"Just some minor things. I do have good news."

"That's always nice."

"Two of the group found mates. One to a local lioness, the other to a local wolf. Both preferred to join our group rather than incorporate into their own groups."

"That's great." We chatted for a few minutes she told me about the new members. With that done I started on paperwork.

I was just gathering up to head into town for a lunch I had planned with the local Tiger queen when I heard steps and Honey bounced into the room. She bounced over and kissed me deeply. My desire that kept getting stirred and then denied reacted instantly and I was crushing her in my arms. But I was once again forced to let go when the alarm on my phone went off telling me to leave for lunch. I gave an annoyed growl.

"I take it you missed me?" Honey said taking a deep breath.

"I hate when my mates have to leave. Add to that I have the hard on of a lifetime that has been teased three times in the last twenty four hours. I am gonna have to resort to taking it into my own hands if I can't finagle five minutes alone with a mate."

"If you didn't have to run off to that lunch I'd kiss it, make it better." I groaned and kissed her again.

"Each time I've gotten close a kid has interrupted. I love them but they need to go to their grandpa's for an hour or three."

"Not till Mike is better. You better go to that lunch. Emmy is downstairs so you can kiss her hi and bye on your way out." a kiss as I ran out the door was all I had time for.

Elizabeth, the tiger queen was there waiting for me as I got there. But she wasn't alone. A truly knock out young woman was with her. Elizabeth and I had come up with an idea to foster understanding between our peoples. I would have a tiger shadow me for a couple weeks learn about me and my family and people. Then I'd send a dog to shadow her for the same reason. The trouble between our people had all seemed to stem from the fact that dogs and Tigers were very different culturally and in most other ways. We were hoping that this would help. Obviously she'd gotten a volunteer. The young woman looked just like Elizabeth. They had to be related.

"Luke. You look out of breath?" Elizabeth said. I chuckled.

"Yeah I'm running late." I said trying to dismiss it. That was only half the trouble. The other half was the beautiful woman sitting with Liz. Not being able to make love to someone and having a very desirable young woman across from me was making my already panting body thrum with the need to take her.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now