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I lean against my desk as he drops onto the couch.

"I trusted you now explain. You were very rough on him, and those teeth marks will be there for a day or two."

"It's what he needs in order to be able to cum."

"No one can possibly..."

"He does." I interrupt him. "Trust me under no other circumstances would I hurt my own mate." I sighed.

"Did you pull your knot to get him to cum the second time?" I winced.

"Yes." I admitted.

"You do realize the things you did to him were the very things that were used against Lucas." His eyes were angry.

"I'm very aware of that, thank you." I snapped my voice rising. I took a breath. "You don't understand."

"Then explain it to me."

"The reason he was trying to leave the hyena was because prior to mating with me no lover since his first one was able to make him cum." Iggy's eyes went wide.


"None of them. You saw what it took to get him to cum was beyond what any normal person would be willing to do."

"You did."

"Yes but I had the threat of death making sure I found the way for him to cum. Iggy what it takes, that's not abuse like what Lucas went through. You don't get like that by force. Someone went through and painstakingly groomed him. They taught him reward and pain to get him like that. Do you remember when we met Karen?" He frowned then remembered and nodded. "I promised her I wouldn't pass on details for her own privacy, she was groomed the same way. She was just as young, but she understood what was happening. The lifestyle that she was now a part of. Roger had to learn what was harming her and what was fulfilling her needs when they mated. Rance isn't putting together the pieces he isn't realizing what he needs and asking for it."

"What do you know about his first lover?"

"Not much, he was very sketchy and careful with details when I asked him about his first lover. Iggy he was only sixteen." Iggy's eyes went wide. "I'm going to try to help him find a way around it but it's going to take time. In the mean time, can you tell the others, and do it carefully. I don't want them thinking he's somehow damaged and treating him like that. It'll piss him off and frankly it won't make me happy either." Iggy stood and came to me.

"Your are a better man than I sometimes give you credit for." He kissed me. It was nice to have a gentle kiss after inflicting pain. I didn't like doing it. Only his need would keep me doing it. I was gentle as I pulled Iggy in and caressed him. Shoving at his shorts I bared him to me. I knew this would wake Emmy but I wanted the gentleness. I stood and turned him before laying him over my desk. I kissed him and his body making sure to love him well. When I sank into him he gave a moan.

"God you feel so good." I took my time rolling in and out of him. He grunted, groaned and came spilling across his chest sliding to his half shape. I kept my rolling thrusts and he shuddered and came again sliding to full shape as I pumped into him and came, sliding to half shape. "I love you Iggy."

'I love you too Luke. I'm sorry for doubting you. Not just with the way you made love to him but mating him, claiming him to begin with. Someday maybe I'll learn to wait for explanations before I get the urge to brain you with the nearest heavy object.' I laughed. I heard a creak from my desk.

"Crap." I say but it's too late the weight of him in full shape snaps the legs off my desk and it thumps to the floor. We wait, if anyone heard that they'd be here in just a second. "Looks like it didn't wake anyone. Maybe we should try to get to the floor though." In the end I just roll to the side taking him with me and thump to the floor. I laugh again.

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