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While he laughs I trail my lips over his neck. As I lick him and stir his passion I can hear Emmy start to moan as Iggy begins to make love to her. I can feel a sudden need, a desperation and realize it's not my own. I can feel Rance? But how? Maybe I was just open enough to him to feel him. After making love twice and not cumming he would be very desperate now. I didn't take my time to love him, as soon as I was hard I spread his legs and thrust into him. He moaned but instead of demanding more I felt him lock his legs around me and keep me in place. Looking in his eyes I see emotions warring inside him. I tried for that link to him. With concentration I could feel him, he was scared.

"Rance baby, what's wrong?" I say.

"What if I can't. What if it's gone and I can't cum anymore. I can't do the trying over and over. I had you, and Iggy and I know what it's like to cum with you, when loves is right there. I can't... I'm actually afraid to make love to you." I pull from inside him. He sits up and pulls away. Crossing his legs he sighs. I slip around behind him and pull him back to lean against me. Slipping my hand down I wrap it around his length.

"Don't think about anything but how my hand feels on your cock. The rhythm. Have I told you how much I like your cock. It's beautiful. Big, tight, I'm kind of curious how it would feel inside me." That had him opening his eyes and looking at me.


"Yes. I bottom for some of the others. With a cock as nice as yours you can understand why I might wonder what it'd feel like." I could see desire run through him. "Hmm, you know, there's something we could try." He bit his lip. He wanted to but he was nervous about topping me.

"I've never topped before. I like bottoming." I turn him around then slip us down so he was laying over me.

"Want to try?" He bit his lip but nodded. I helped him get back to that passion. Then I let him take the lead. I found that while he himself liked the rough play, which I had been expecting from him, he made love to me soft and caring. I was lost to his kisses, his caresses. Then a fifth hand appeared a condom rolled onto Rance's length. I turned and winked at Iggy. I'd not thought of that. I had a successful pregnancy but didn't want to try another one so soon. Rance pulled Iggy back for a kiss before he slid between my legs. Rance pressed to my entrance them slipped in. He gasped.

"Oh god, the feel of you around me and then I can feel it through you."

"I knew you'd feel great." His cock was so very long. It touched deep inside of me. He kept his hips rolling slowly. He was such a different top then a bottom. It felt better than I ever thought. "Rance, shit, I'm close already, jeez god that feels so great." I love them but Iggy and Don had never felt this good. It had to be the connection to Rance. He rolled his hips then thrusted before rolling them again. I broke with no warning and heard him moan. He smiled and started a new rhythm.

"I think you need another, it was a stressful day for you. Better have you nice and relaxed before you try to sleep." Rance said stretching up to kiss me. I moan and groan at the feel of his cock inside me. I was panting near to losing my mind. My hands went to his hair and I tipped his head back so he was looking at me.

"I can feel you, not just your cock but you. I can feel you inside me but I can feel it like it's you around my cock. I can feel how much you love me, I can feel your passion, desire, everything."

"Really?" He asked grinning.

"Yes. I love you." I tell him he stretches up for another kiss pressing deep inside me. I grunt and cover us with my seed again. He moans long and ragged and cums. I can't help but grin widely as I feel the happiness from him. I turn my head when the bed moves. Iggy is sliding from behind Emmy. I can see the cum sliding from inside of her. Iggy pulls Rance up for a deep and thorough kiss.

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