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By the time we got down stairs the kids had finished their dinner and we were getting the end of the cold pizza. I pulled Rance to sit into my lap.

"You are very happy."

"Yes I am. I'm having Christmas tree ornaments made. Eleven of them. Each unique deserts. With initials in them." Angie laughed.

"What's funny about that?" Iggy asks.

"Let me put it this way, the first one would be an eclair with your initials on it." He rolled his eyes.

"Why am I an eclair?" I checked to make sure no kids were in hearing distance. Then grinned at him.

"Long and thin and full of gooey sweet stuff." He snorted.

"What's Emmy?"

"Rum ball."

"That totally makes sense. Hey where's the parents, you guys need to hear this." One by one all my mates showed up. "Apparently we are desserts. How did this come up in conversation?"

"I told them I needed to take a selection of mates with me to the Hyena house tomorrow."

"I asked if we were a selection like deli meat. He said we were desserts."

"What's Iggy?" Emmy asked.


"Why?" Don asks.

"Because I'm long and full of gooey sweet stuff apparently." Iggy says rolling his eyes again. "Emmy's a rum ball."

"Absolutely. I'm sweet with a kick. What's Alex?"

"Bowl of sherbet. Rainbow of course. Sweet and soft." Alex smiles.

"What about Honey?" He asks looking at her.

"A honey cake. That should be obvious. Don is chocolate cake, but not just any chocolate cake. He's that really rich kind with ten layers that you just can't stop eating." Don chuckles.

"The kind that makes you sick to your stomach if you eat too much?" He asks me.

"See you are even better, all I want and no sick feeling. Angie is Oreo Cheesecake. Creamy, with that fun cookie bit every once in awhile."

"Too bad I'm not a black and white tiger then it would fit even more." They all looked to Lucas. I smiled at him.

"Vanilla mousse. The kind that is sweet and delicate and you can't ever get enough of." Lucas blushed bright red.

"Libby?" Emmy asks. I look at Libby and grin.

"It's not my fault but you are apple pie." She gave a growl and threw a grape from the bowl of them she had at me.

"Why apple pie?" Mark asks.

"Her name is Liberty, what's more American than apple pie." I say laughing. She throws another grape at me.

"Forget me what about Mark?"

"Mark is the mint chocolate piece you get after every meal."

"Dare I ask why?" He says.

"Lots of reason, like you know how it's kind of your reward for eating your veggies. Veggies being that torturous paper work I do daily. I get to see you all day long so totally a reward. Then when you don't get it you refuse to eat your veggies and feel like you are just being punished for something." He came over and kissed me.

"I find that sweet."

"Me next?" Rance says. "You said I was carrot cake but why?"

"Two reasons, you are a fox and that reddish orange color just like a carrot, and you totally have the spice thing going on but you are sweet as well." Angie pulled Jenny forward and smiled.

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