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As we headed downstairs Iggy looked over his shoulder.

"Are you staring at my ass?"

"Absolutely. I'm thinking how tight you are going to be around me."

"Yeah, how about you think about how tight it's going to be when I give birth to our baby in a few months." I groan and grin. As we hit the back door I send a hand down his ass, a finger sliding along his crease.

"Damn, you big and round with our baby. Those tribal tattoos stretched. God that was a sexy sight and I can't wait to see it again. My sweet heart of a mate I am going to be stiff all day thinking about the seven of you lined up four months pregnant. I'm getting that picture. I'm going to line you up in order of your pregnancy and it's going to be beautiful." The back yard already had swarms of kids, their parents and other pack. The grill was going over on the concrete patio. I saw teenagers in the pool. What caught my interest was that Lucian and Nate were over by the roses huddled with Ethan. I smiled and headed for them. Crouching down the three boys smiled at me.

"Are you guys having fun?" They nodded.

"Yes. Daddy, is it alright if Lucian spends the night tonight?"

"Well it's okay with me but you need to ask his mom and dad as well." They raced off. I turned to Ethan. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nate wanted to know if Lucian was going to be his only mate. I told him I didn't know. The lady said they're going to be fine though."

"That's good. I'm going to go check on everyone you have some fun." He smiled and walked off toward the other kids. Heading for the grill I see Nate asking Trevor if Lucian can stay the night. I get there in time to hear Trevor ask what I said.

"Alpha said it was okay with him but we had to ask you." Lucian says. I can't help but chuckle. Trevor sighs.

"It's alright. But you be good alright." He nods grinning and runs off with Nate. I can see that Trevor is worried.

"I'll watch him. He's a good kid." I try to reassure him.

"Yeah. I'm not really worried about tonight. I'm worried about school starting. Them being mates is pretty cool. But I don't want either of them hurt by kids who don't like it, don't like them."

"I know what you mean. Unfortunately, we can only prepare them and protect them so much. They are good boys, They can handle it. But that's not your only worry is it?" I ask.

"No, I'm going to be honest. I'm worried that Lucian won't be able to handle the pressure of his peers and is going to break Ignatius' fragile heart. He is an act first think about it second kind of kid. If he gets teased or something to much he may act out. I don't want Nate to get hurt because of it."

"Thank you for worrying about him so much. But I think even if it happens they'll work it out. According to Ethan they'll be fine."

"And you are trusting a six year old's word on this why?"

"Because he's been called as shaman." Trevor stared at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He's got the lines already started on him. He's having dreams, Ephraim knows about it. He's said that he won't be the only one he's just the first. I'd wondered about having shaman's of our own people but honestly I didn't think our first one would be my own son."

"Your mates must not have taken that well at first."

"No. But they calmed when we were told that he wouldn't be taken to be apprenticed."

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