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The fear that lingered in him needed soothed. I kissed him back pouring my life into it. He backed to the bed and pulled me down with him. "I know you aren't healed, but let me make love to you. I need to feel you inside me. I need to know that you are alive and here and loving me." I felt the bed move and saw Lucas was awake. Angie was as well. I let a kiss be my answer. He rolled me to my back and pulled my clothes from me. I went up the pleasure peak and saw him right there with me. Our cocks rubbed together as his hands stirred me up. He slid up and spread himself over my cock. The press of him around me made me groan.

"Don, I love you. Feel me, I'm here." I drew him down for a kiss and made him look me in the eye. "See, I'm here and I'm alive. I'm going to stay that way. I'm going to stay here until you are pregnant." He laughed.

"That would be a miracle since I don't have that function."

"Doesn't mean I'm not going to try. Over, and over, and over again. I'm going bury myself deep inside you and try over and over again." He moaned and pressed his hips down. I heard another moan and looked to see that Angie and Lucas were taking advantage of the pleasure. Lucas moaned, Don answered it with a groan and they both came. I grunted and came filling him as we shifted. I felt a slight pain as I shifted forms but it receded as my form settled into the half shape. "I love you Don. I'm not going to leave you here to raise them by yourself. I promise." He buried his head in my neck and cried. My mate had only ever cried at Ness' death. I gave a wonder if being tied to Lucas was softening him up a little. Iggy tucked a blanket over us and headed back to bed.

When we got up a couple hours later he kept near me. He refused to let me out of his sight. I didn't argue. The only hiccup we had was when Mark got wind of us making love. He was agitated already about me healing, the passing out had made him worse and he only calmed after we explained pointedly why we'd felt the need for it. To my surprise he'd gone to Don and hugged him tight. I just stared. Mark hadn't shown any feeling toward them after cuddling with Emmy and Iggy and I in the movie room. But he did now.

"I understand how you feel. I was just afraid that he'd hurt himself. You'll keep him safe I know you will." Don gave Mark a squeeze.

"You bet your ass I will. Why don't you give me a hand tonight and cuddle with us. We can fit one more." Mark was hesitant but nodded. I knew that after what he'd done he was worried about feeling to much for the others. I'd told him that it wouldn't be cheating but I think he was still worried about it.

I was good. I stayed in bed all day long despite the fact that I felt a lot better. When bed time came. The kids all came in and got kisses and hugs after baths and before bed. I saw Angie come in ready for bed but she didn't get into bed with me.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Since Mark is going to sleep in here, finally get his butt in here, I'm going to go cuddle with Iggy and Emmy. I was invited by Iggy." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"You hop beds as much as I do." I teased.

"Why be limited to one bed if I don't have to. I'm hoping that Mark will get the hint and stay in here past tonight."

"I don't want to impose long term." We both turn to see Mark in his pajama bottoms in the doorway.

"It's not imposing it's being with your family. We want you in here. We just thought you didn't think you'd be able to sleep with so many people." She said. "We'd love for you to share with us." I could see the desire to take her up on that in his eyes.

"Thanks. I might here and there but I'll keep my room." Angie went over and kissed his cheek before leaving. I smiled at him as he came over and slid into bed next to me. "How are you feeling?"

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now