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"Alex check him out, Emmy call doc." I helped Tommy get Brice down to the clinic. I saw that only Iggy, Don, and Rance followed with Alex and I and the two new ones to the basement clinic. As Don and I maneuvered Brice onto a bed I saw Tommy bump the wall and hiss and wince.

"Your hurt too, stretch out Doc will take a look."

"No thanks. I'm fine."

"I wasn't asking. Put that butt on the other bed."

"I would rather not sit. The drive over here was bad enough." I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened? And tell me all of it." Tommy sighed.

"We were caught. No one was supposed to be back from their jobs yet. Brice and I wanted an actual bed for once. So we used the bunk house. A couple guys came back early when the woman they were hired to be body guard for changed her mind and went home early instead of meeting her friends for dinner. We were detained until Ezekiel was called. I was taken to Ezekiel's room while he beat the shit out of Brice. It was obvious from Brice trying to stick up for me that he was my top. It also made it obvious it wasn't just a couple guys getting their rocks off. We told you there were rules against it. I didn't know at first what he'd done to Brice. He came in and said I was being moved to the harem. It was that or expulsion from the pack. I asked what he was doing with Brice. He said that Brice would remain as a guard. He was good enough he'd rather not lose him. I thought fine, if it meant I got to stay and still at least get to talk to Brice then I'd do it. Ezekiel seemed happy about that, then I found out why. All new transfers into the Harem get... lets call it a job interview, with Ezekiel." Rance gave a sound of pain.

"He's not gentle with newbies." Rance says at my look. "He once 'interviewed' a woman so long she passed out. He got so pissed he beat her and kept her in his bed for another three hours. She was so hurt it took a week for her to heal." Iggy slipped a hand around his waist.

"Something tells me you know from personal experience just how rough he can be. I don't mean this the way I'm sure it's going to sound but, don't you like it rough?"

"Yeah, but he didn't do it to try and get me off he did it for the sake of doing it. That's no longer fun, that's just pain and I don't get off on that kind of pain." We turned back to Tommy as Iggy pulled Rance into his arms to hold him. I saw Tommy watching them curiously.

"What's up with them, I thought he was your mate?"

"He is. It just so happens he's mates with my Luna as well. It's kind of a small world around here sometimes. How did you find out about Brice, and how did you get here?"

"When Zeke finally passed out asleep I stole his clothes since he took mine and went to find Brice. I was going to have to leave. I knew that Zeke visited the Harem regularly. There was no way I was doing that again so I thought I'd get him and we'd come here. I searched all over before I found him in the clinic. I got his clothes on him and got his ass to a truck. All the trucks have their keys in them at all times. I came straight here."

"Tommy." Brice's voice was quiet from the bed. Tommy jumped closer to Brice and looked over him. "Why didn't you tell me what he did?" I hadn't realized Brice was even awake enough to listen to us.

"Because you'd have tried to go kick his ass and yours won't even stand up right now. We are together and safe that's the important things."

"I can't get recompense for you, you were still in his pack and I can't interfere with that. But I can assure you that you are safe here. You'll stay, and you are welcome in my pack." Tommy smiled. I felt them both slide into the pack link. "My second will probably contact you soon. You don't have to tell him more than you are comfortable with. He'll understand. For now I want you both to stay here in the house. In the clinic specifically till you are doing better, then you can have a guest room." Alex had been checking Brice over and finally turned to me.

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