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Mark who had been watching the kids while we did the check ups was trying to be excited for us but as I walked him out I could tell he was upset. I couldn't really help him though. Until he decided to be my mate in truth I was keeping a distance.

"Thanks for watching the kids. I'm assuming they behaved."

"They were great. The only problem was when Timmy went to the bathroom and Coco had to stay behind." I chuckled.

"Those two. I have to admit I'm wondering about the instant connection." He smiled.

"Thinking that you might have another Nate and Lucian situation?"

"It's possible. At two and five they are very young but all they would know is that they want to be together all the time. We'll keep an eye on them." Mark had his keys out but just leaned back against the car not getting in.

"So, that makes 21 kids. I'm thinking when we mate we're going to keep condoms on hand. 21 is plenty for a good long time." Hope swelled in me. He'd said 'when' not 'if'.

"Probably a good idea." I waited. I would stay in place until he was in and backing out of his place in the drive. He was watching me. "Everything alright?" I ask.

"Well, yes and no. It's all fine but I want... Luke I'm not ready, I know I'm not but will you... will you kiss me?" I was surprised by the request.

"Can I ask why?"

"Well, it's so great, the pregnancies and everything I really want to be part of it. I want to share the excitement but I'm still a little..." He trailed off.

"Hesitant?" I asked.

"Yes. But I want to kiss you, I'd rather you kissed me actually." I lifted a hand slowly, slipping it beneath his chin I tilted his head up. I pressed my lips to his. He responded but only followed where I led. I kept the kiss light, but thorough. Then he was stepping close, into my arms and kissing me back harder. I pressed him back leaning into him, trapping him between me and his car. His hips rotated against mine, he was hard and getting harder. I pressed into him and slipped a hand down to his waist. He was responding almost eagerly. Changing the angle of the kiss I took it deeper. His hands went around my shoulders and into my hair. He rutted against me trying for the friction his body wanted, but the tension in his shoulders said that he was holding back. He slipped a hand under my arm and around my back. I heard him give a stuttered moan and his hips jerked. I smiled lightening the kiss. He'd cum. Never touching his cock, he'd been so full of need he'd come just from some caressing, kissing, and a little rubbing. I was still hard but I'd deal with that myself. Pulling my mouth from his I waited to see what he'd do.

"Uh, thank you. That was a lot more than I had really expected." He said.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I got carried away. I just was thinking a kiss but my pup had other ideas." Hmm, his pup was starting to push at him then. He was getting more demanding. Eventually he might overrule Marks reluctance and we'd mate whether Mark was ready or not.

"You better head home. You are going to need a shower and clean clothes." He blushed and nodded. Getting in he said goodbye and headed home. He'd text me later when he went to bed saying goodnight and assuring me he was fine. When I got back inside I was still hard. I needed to get a little relief. But how, and who with. My decision was easily made when I saw Alex head toward the laundry room. I followed grinning. I waited until he'd switched the clothes then spun him around and kissed him deeply. I knew objectively that Mark would know I was going to fulfill my desires with another mate but I also knew that however much he told himself that it was fine he'd be a little jealous. It would keep happening until he and I did the claim. Alex responded eagerly to me. The contrast between the two men flitted through my brain. I told myself I shouldn't compare them but, this right here the blatant desire and want from Alex is what I wanted from Mark. I shifted him back onto the dryer and stripped his pants down till they hung from one ankle. Freeing myself I pressed and sank into him.

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