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I'd been here before, wallowing in pain and needing a new emotion. I turned him and slipped him on the counter. I didn't hesitate to strip him naked and pull my shirt from me. I undid my pants and let them slide down.

"Yes. I want you." I checked him, his slick was running from him and I wanted inside of him. Pressing to his entrance I slipped in.

"I don't have a lot of control." I told him.

"You don't need it." I held tight as I kissed him the began to pound inside of him. He jerked in my arms and came, then came again as I grunt and filled him with my seed.

"I love you Mark."

"I love you too Luke." I pulled back I hadn't expected to hear it back. He blushed. "I feel like such an idiot. I loved you, I knew you loved me and I was so afraid. I'm sorry, I swear to goddess I'll never do anything like that ever again." I held him tight.

"I believe you."

"You do?" He asked sounding surprised.

"Yes." I pulled from inside him and helped him to redress. Back in the family room I saw that the kids had finally fallen asleep. I heard a phone ring and new that it was starting. I turned but Mark pulled me to a stop.

"No, let me handle the phone. You stay here with the family. I've got it." He rose up on tip toes to kiss me and then hurried off to get the phone.

"So you got it worked out?" I heard Iggy ask in a whisper. I chuckled.

"I'm a sucker for love. I might be the biggest sap around but at least I'll have the people I love with me." Tears came to my eyes. "Most of them." I couldn't hold her. I looked at my kids. "I don't even have a piece of her to hold." Iggy slid from under Nate's head and came to me.

"Yes you do. You have six of them. They were her's no matter their genealogy. Next to you they were the thing she loved most in this world. You can hold her any time you hold them." I gave a choke and pulled him in to hold him tight.

"She loved you and Emmy as well."

With my family around me we waited for morning to come and hoped that it didn't hurt to see it. Mark proved to be a life saver. He took care of every phone call, drop in, and sympathizer. I did what I had to, talked to who I had to, but I concentrated on my family.

I was on autopilot all through Sunday. I kept all of my attention on my mates and kids. Crying was constant, tantrums from the kids were heard off and on all day. My mates held tight to each other and the kids. I kept close to them all day. Timmy who was so new to our family, he was devastated to lose yet another mother. He seemed to take comfort in having Coco right there. I took comfort in having all of my surviving mates and children close at hand.

Bed time was hard. The kids cried themselves to sleep. My mates were avoiding bed. I sympathized with them. I didn't want to sleep either. Sleep meant dreams of her. Dreams of five sons dying. Don, Lucas, and Angie finally went to sleep curled tight into a ball. Alex, Honey, Libby were in bed but laid there silently, crying off and on. Iggy and Emmy weren't even in the bedroom. I followed my link to find them in the movie room. They had Stargate playing. It was one of Ness' favorites.

"You know I still don't get why she liked this show. It's so dorky." Iggy says.

"She liked it because it is dorky, and silly, even stupid at times. It was a good story with fun people and nice clean humor." Emmy explained. I leaned in the doorway and watched them watch Jack and Daniel be stupid. I saw Emmy slip a hand up and wipe some tears away.

The Alpha's Mates: Family is all you needWhere stories live. Discover now