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I was back in my office reading a few emails when I open one that has me sitting forward. A young dog had been kidnapped and assaulted by a couple wolves from their local packs. The dogs hadn't been formed into a group yet. The woman who wrote the email had put it off not wanting to draw the attention of the wolves. But given what happened it was going to be safer if they were a group and had my protection. I opened my day planner and looked. I was supposed to go day after tomorrow for a check and accepting some new dogs into a group. I could fly out further to this set of dogs. Form them into a group and deal with the assault on the young man after that check. I sighed and jotted it down and pulled up my travel arrangements. I got new flights and registered for a car rental there. It was rewarding to know I was able to truly help my people but it was also a pain when I had to leave my family for protracted periods of time.

I emailed back letting them know I'd see them Saturday midday if travel plans went alright. I kept reading kept working through the dozens of emails. Everything from little complaints, reports and updates from groups, to another notification from a group that they had been attacked by a group of Hyena. The hyena had been driven back and the hyena had disciplined the pack and replaced the leader with a new one. I made a note to call them the next morning and verify that they were really alright. When nine o'clock came my kids showed up to say goodnight and get their bed time hugs and kisses. Alex and Ness would tuck them in. I locked down the house, check to see that the front and rear gates were shut. I made sure the motion sensor, alarm, and camera's were all functioning before I headed up to bed. The two suites that my mates used were across the hall from each other.

Iggy and Ness were already curled up together when I looked in on them. Looking in on Don and Alex I saw that they were in bed but not asleep yet. I went over and looked down at them. While I had all six of them as my mates. They also had found mutual desire between some of them. Alex and honey were a twinset together and shared themselves with Don. Iggy and Emmy were a twinset and had found that they had a mutual desire for Ness. I was glad that they had found a happiness together and it was majorly hot to watch them loving each other. Alex smiled up at me and slid the blanket away before opening his arms in invitation. I went eagerly. My hands skimmed over his body. He had never been comfortable just stripping naked for bed so he still slept in loose shorts. The rest of my mates generally slept naked like I did. We all had robes for quick access to deal with kids or whatever else we needed. I slipped his shorts down then off before sliding down and taking his smooth length into my mouth. For whatever reason he had no beard, no hair on his privates and the hair on his legs and arms was thin and pale. I loved how smooth he was. I licked, sucked and teased until he was exploding in my mouth.

Raising up above him I was ready to thrust deep inside of him when there was a little knock at the door. Don, who had been watching us slipped on his robe and answered the door. Ethan stood there little red eyes, he quickly ran over and threw himself on to the bed and into his baba's arms.

"What's the matter baby?" Alex asked making sure the blanket was tucked securely so I didn't scare my son with my very hard very aroused body.

"I don't like bad dreams."

"You had a bad dream? What about?"

"I keep having the same one. I keep seeing a baby die. I don't like it." He had mentioned this dream before and I was finally starting to worry about it. I was going to have to call Shaman Ephraim and see if the old man might know if something was wrong. It was unusual to have the same dream so much.

"What's the baby look like?" I ask wondering if there was more to it.

"I can't see it clearly. I know it's supposed to be a little sister but I don't know how I know that. I don't like seeing her die." He'd had a sister die before he'd been born. There was no way he could know that though. The only one who had questioned us about it had been Kiara. Somehow despite being only a month old she'd still known as she got older that someone was missing until I'd finally shown her pictures and explained. When she'd known the truth she'd seemed to settle some. A piece of her that seemed to be missing had settled into place and she'd seemed to feel better. Ethan had never known Carissa. I knew that shaman who were close to goddess and were her servants were capable of having dreams and visions from goddess. Dreams of past and future. Was that what this was? I worried about that. Ethan didn't strike me as someone strong enough to be able to serve the goddess like that. Honestly I wasn't sure I wanted my son to bare that burden.

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