1 Prologue

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any character in this story.

A/N: This is my fist fanfic so please voice your guy's opinions about it and I'll try to respond to each one. Thank you to the people who do review this story you have no idea what it means to me. Rated M for Gore, badass fight Scenes, some possible lemons (depends), and harem (I'll let you guys decide who they are but I want three gods (preferably Artemis and another's), three demigods (not Annabeth tired of all that).

Year: 1960

Location: Planet Aguilar (currently orbiting the star VY Canis Major)


There sat a woman in the tallest building on the planet Aguilar (it's about 40 times larger than earth) over one of its seven continents of the world (I'll get into detail later about those later). Her skin was absolutely flawless like the most expensive diamond. She had no wrinkles no blemishes and was just the right amount of color from her tan.

Her hair was black and fell down to the middle of her back and gleaned like obsidian, in the moonlight of one of the 3 moons of Aguilar. Her legs were long and if you saw them they would make you feel the need to grovel before her in obedience.

She wore no jewelry except for earnings that seemed the draw the darkness into them, she had red lips but just the right amount making it overbearing.

The face that should make any man drools in lust and leave them to wonder, but the thing that caught the most attention were her eyes. They were black but in that blackness there was a swirling galaxy that were so mesmerizing you couldn't look away you could spend hour looking over them and never get tired of them.

She wore a black dress with no shoulder straps and split at her hip it hugged her hourglass shape and made every one of her curves now. With the dress it showered her D cups and very proportional assets. This women was none other than the creator of the universe and all of its life, this was chaos.


She looked in a hologram with the scene from earth of some children playing tag and running around a fountain. They were laughing like they had no care in the world. Their parents were chasing them and they squealed in delight as they were tickled by them.

As she looked at this she couldn't help but smile at the scene she remembers a time sort of like this when she created the primordial, but unfortunately it only lasted a day as they grew to be adults in a mere week. As she looked on into the screen she didn't notice a man walk into the room.

"Chaos you there?" He asked waving his hand in front of her as she wasn't paying any attention as he called her name three times before.

She let out a very girlish eep and jumped out of the chair and fell onto the floor to his surprise. He couldn't gain his laughter as she tried to get black in chair until she stated to glare at him with and I'll-get-you-later look.

"Damit don't sneak up on me like that Order!" She yelled as he just shook his head and chuckled at her reaction as she brushed herself off and sat back down.

"For the creator of the universe I'd never expect to hear an eep out of you." His tone had a slight chuckle.

"Well why are you here before I decide to hurt you." She growled and looked back to the screen. He glanced at the screen only do a second and he's saw her face as she started on, a smile, not one of her fake ones she wears everywhere but a true smile he has not seen for a millennia.

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