36 Good Morning, Special Drinks, & Training

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"Lay on your back okay." I said as she nodded with a smile at what I was doing, they were acting different from usual but I remembered something. Eros's blessing as brings out the persons true thoughts at the time, so if you are horny you act horny without hiding it. She propped herselft up on her elbows looking at me as I dug into her pussy eating her out, after a minute I stopped and finally put the softball size glob of cum inside her. I made it flow in a stream so it wouldn't hurt her as I went into her womb and I summoned another dildo.

"So how does it feel?" I yawned realizing how tiered I was after today events.

"Like a warm ball of water that seemed to poke at my womb wall all the time, it feels great when I move though." She said rubbing the bump on her abdomen.

"Oh that must be my sperm looking for the egg to fertilize good thing you put the spell on them because only I can open the locks on these and you are going to where them for all of tomorrow." I said as I lay down in the middle of the bed I used my powers to clean, Artemis didn't say anything but just came over and curled up beside me.

Using my powers a little I moved the rest or the girls over to me so there were two on my right and left, they settled in as my warm cum swirled around inside their bodies.

"Tomorrow will be interesting." I said as I closed my eyes and fell asleep wondering what tomorrow will be like.



I woke up as the sun light folded into my room through its windows, as it flooded in I heard some groans as I looked to see a sight to see. Hestia and Bianca were spooning each other both red in the face as the sperm was still in them. Artemis was lying on my chest while Zoë clung around her waist her head on her side. Each one was naked as I looked at them taking in the sight, but I still didn't get hard seeing a I was still a little tired from yesterday.

I smiled as I played with Artemis's hair as she drooled on my chest and Zoë drooled on her side, but after a while I got an idea about how to waked them up. Slowly I managed to get Artemis off me without waking her up and instantly each girl went to where I was and cuddled each other. As I watched then pant slightly from the liquid that was enclosed in them moved as they moved, but I finally did my idea I was thinking about.

I used my powers over water to start and more the sperm inside them slowly as they started to moan, Hestia louder than the others as I did this. But after a second or two I sped up considerably and their moans grew louder until I felt them all coming as I stopped and waited. After a minute Bianca was the first up red in the face thinking she was having a wet dream.

At first she just looked around then looked down finding something down below, I just sat and watched as she looked at what it was. Once she finally found it she grabbed and yanked but had not given only stirring the mixture even more inside her, she moaned as she did then stopped as she looked at me.

"Percy what is this?" She said trying to stand properly but couldn't as she stood with her legs spread to not push as much pressure on the plug.

"Oh that, Hestia put that there to keep my cum inside you, but don't worry we will only be going out a little today." I said standing up and smacking her ass as she let out a squeak/moan as she stepped and fell to her knees as she came from the sensation.

"Hey now don't get to wet your still going out after you have a shower." I said picking her up and brining her to my huge shower I had put in.

"What the hell?" I heard from the other room as Zoë woke up finding the dildo holding the cum inside her, then a sharp moan as she did something. As I was washing Bianca's back I hear the rest wake up and come into the bathroom, Hestia was being helped walk into the bathroom as her golden blush covered her face.

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