49 The Pit Is Mine & Gaea's Not Herself

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"Nico has a girlfriend?" He asked me as I smiled at him.

"Yeah and it is your sister to." I said as his face went blank as Nico shadow traveled away.

"You don't mean Thalia right?" He asked me.

"Oh yeah it is her, the hunters have a new oath thing apparently if they find their true love they can be together now." I said to him, as he got a wicked smile on his face almost saying I still have a chance.

"But isn't she too old for him?" He asked as I almost laughed.

"He you have to remember Nico was born in the 1930's so technically Thalia is dating a older man." I said as he thought about it.

"Okay just give me a while to think about it." He said as he walked away mumbling something.

I just turned back my attention to the edge of the ship as we sailed over the land.

"Oh Percy please stay safe."


TIME: one week later day before the big battle at old Olympus.


The army of Olympus stood ready in their camp both Greek and Roman demigods conversed as they lay in wait for the army of Gaea. Nico and Reyna got their mere hours before the fight would have started, with the statue in hand the fighting didn't even begin. But Octavian being himself he shout at the romans to fight.

Let's just say the hunters didn't have any of that, they castrated him to put it simply. After that the gods managed to teleport most of the demigods who could fight to the battle field in old Olympus. All of the demigods who couldn't fight were sent to Olympus to be medics and all that, the search for Percy had come to a stop as all of the gods and demigods were needed to protect Olympus.

Even with death doors closed a very large amount of monsters had escaped and joined up with Gaea's forces. A number of demigods had turned over to their forces as well as their numbers were great exceeding the Olympian forces. You could feel the tension in the air; it was so think it was like walking into a wall.

The seven were leading the forces in armor made specially by Hephaestus himself, Alpha stuck by Pipers side like a sidekick. He stood battle ready as he wielded a sword at least eight feet long made of a solid and jagged chunk of Olympian metals merged together.

The sky had been dark and the nights darker as they begged for their master to surface, everyone could feel that something was off. Even the gods who controlled a large proportion of the domain couldn't do anything. The domains were all restless as they awaited their masters return to them, but the worst of it all was Percy's six lovers as Piper had told them and they realized she was the last one.

The rest of the Olympians were at the base as well throwing the rules of the gods out the window, they helped their children in any way. No argument could be heard that once existed between the different gods, they knew that if they fought against each other Gaea would win for sure.

Poseidon and Athena's baby was born just two days ago, it was a girl her name was Acacia. Goddess of flowers, knowledge, and streams those were her domains as a major god, she was already about seven years old in her body form as she followed around Athena.

She had long salt and pepper hair and eyes that were pink and open, like she was going to give you a hug or something. She could always be seen with a smile as she helped out Athena and Poseidon with different things. She had the nature of a flower you might say, she was a sweet girl but if you got on her bad side you got the thorns.

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