77 Ropes Away, Meeting To Never Forget

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"I said give it back it is mine, you probably swiped it off of me when you guys moved me to the lake this morning!" I said holding out my hand as my temper flared about my very personal item.

"Yeah right you liar, you just want this cool thing I found on the ground." She said putting her hand on it as I growled at her.

"You're the liar you stupid bitch that was something that was given to me back when I lived in my own dimension!" I yelled at her as her face got red in anger.

"Yeah right you manwhore you just want this sweet item I found!" She yelled back as the hunt just watched us argue. Some snickering at our nicknames as Diana shook her head.

"Listen if you give it back now I won't hurt you okay, it was something given to me by someone very special to me in my dimension." I said lowering my tone.

"Who?" Someone asked me.

"A girl named Tracy, she was the same age as me who was in the hunt. She was like a sister to me and I need that back, please just give it back." I said as all the hunters turned to the liar for her answer.

"The hunt?" She question getting off topic.

"Yes the hunt I lived with the hunt for a long time okay, but as I had to leave to take my job as the Ranger of Olympus I had to leave them. For a gift from her was that watch now give it back or I will have to take it from you." I said in a threatening voice as I turned to Diana for an okay.

"I she stole it take it back then." Diana said with a smile as the hunters turned to see Sara have a panicked face, just them she darted off into the woods at full speed.

"Well I have to say let me catch Sara then you guys can hunt me." I said as I ran after her as the hunt followed me in our event for the day. Little did we know the trouble brewing in the distance.


Well to start off I was trying not to use my powers but Sara was quick as any of the other hunters, I guess since she got the blessing not long ago some of the major effects were still amped up. But I chased after dodging branches three and other things as she tried to get away. The funny thing is the hunt followed us but we left them in the dust.

"Come on Sara just give it back!" I yelled at her as I slid on some leaves under a branch limbo style. She tried to get away but I kept up as I played with her.

"Now way!" She yelled at me as she used a branch to turn quick on a tree corner making a 90 degree turn. As she let go of the branch I whipped back at me as I dodged it and grabbed the tree to turn. With force I ripped the bark of the tree as I swung around it, as I let got the tree seemed to bend back into place as I ran after Sara.

"This is your last chance give it back!" I yelled at her as she tripped on a rock and hit the ground hard sliding in the mud. As I slowed down I came to a stop by her side as she coughed and spit out mud. I just bent down to her as she looked up at me with fearful eyes.

Just then the rest of the hunters caught up all breathing hard, along with Diana who didn't look winded at all. Sara tried to make a break for it but slipped and fell again as I shook my head, I grabbed her leg and drug her in the mud over to me where I grabbed my watch and put it in my pocket.

"Hey Diana I am not done with her can I have some rope please?" I asked her as she raised an eyebrow and summoned some rope as I gratefully took it from her. She just looked at me with fear in my eyes as I snapped the rope like a belt.

The hunters just watched as what I did next was something interesting and quiet different. As I finished up I tied the rope to the three holding Sara up in the air.

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