57 The Wedding of The Century

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"Did he fuck you guys last night?" I asked them as one responded.

"Oh yeah he did I can still feel him inside me, but don't worry you were spared from all the hooker Zeus brought over. But all the others except the human had sex last night." They said as I just nodded.

"Well, have a nice day." They said as they were gone in an instant thanks to mist travel.

"What happened last night?" I asked myself not considering the event the just happened.

Suddenly I heard a phone ringing as I walked down stairs and answered it.

"Hello this is Percy Jackson, who is this?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"Where the hell are you guys?" I heard Hades as I wondered why he was calling.

"At the beach house where else?" I asked in udder confusion.

"Oh I see what happened, damn that shitty wine god." Hades cursed as I thought about it.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Percy the wedding is in two hours."


As soon as the words came out of Hades mouth I dropped the phone, it broke as it hit the ground leaving me with a startled Luke and Nico peaking from the bathtub. Suddenly a IM popped out of now where showing Hades in a suit looking at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled at me as I snapped out of my trance.

"Sorry just startled me, damit we have to get moving." I said as I started running around leaving the IM to move around the room looking at the mess we made.

"Damn you guys did a number on the place." Hades said as the IM moved around the room, it was a special Iris message that cost an extra coin but it was worth it.

"I don't know what to say to that." I said as I was rushing around looking for my phone to see if there was any messages. As I found it under a pile of laundry I clicked it on to find fifty missed texts and twenty missed calls. Three fourths were from Anna so they were work related, this was going to be a long few minutes.

"Oh god Anna is probably pissed off at me, but that doesn't matter we have to get ready. Luke get the others up and dress in normal clothes I will just teleport us in, then we will get dressed." I yelled as he nodded and jogged off.

I just started to clean up as I snapped my fingers and the building began to put itself back together. I then felt my headache coming back as I used my powers to clean up, finally I finished up as I dragged Nico from the bathroom and fixing the toilet. Luke had everybody in the middle or the room as they looked around.

"Okay Hades where are you?" I asked him as he looked at me.

"In the men's dressing room at the temple." He said as in nodded in an instant we warped as the six of us popped in right were Hades was. In that instant all of them but me threw up as the teleport and alcohol didn't mix very well.

"Why is that this family can never have a normal wedding?" Hades said rubbing his temples with his hand. The five of them stood up chins covered in puke as I snapped my fingers as the mess cleaned itself.

"Hades get that shitty wine god in here in need him to sober them up, I am good already." I said as I went over to the dresser to find all of our suits there waiting.

"Okay I will." Hades said as he took out his black IPhone and called the wine god.

After a couple of minutes Mr. D popped out of nowhere and looked at us with a smile.

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