45 Roman Camp, Questions, & Emotions

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"Thank you Percy how can we ever repay you." Reyna asked bowing to him, but before stop her suddenly a flash appear overhead. It was the fates as they seemed to give Percy a wink as they announced who he really was.

"All hail Perseus Jackson son of Chaos, Ranger of Olympus, Desolation of all Monsters, The Titans Bane, Kronos's Defeater, Typhon's Imprisoner, Pallas and Khione's master. The Primordial of the Constellations and the Sky, Mountains and Terrain, Darkness and Night, Procreation and Love, Oceans and Liquids, and Time." They switched who was talking.

"The adopted son of Order primordial of matter and energy, adopted son of Neptune and Poseidon god of the seas and earth shaker father of the seas, adopted son of Venus goddess of love, Hestia's Champion, Receiver of the blessing of Artemis goddess of the hunt, maidens, they moon, animals, and chastity."

"Lover of Hera goddess of marriage, family love, motherhood, and women. Artemis goddess of the hunt, maidens, they moon, animals, and chastity. Hestia goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Zoë Nightshade lieutenant of the hunters, daughter of Atlas. Bianca Di Angelo daughter of Hades, hunter of Artemis, princess of the underworld."



I stood stunned as the all of the Roman camp instantly hit one knee even Octavian who almost graveled before me. I had to move back a little or I bet he would have kissed my shoes; Reyna was the only one at half bow looking at the ground still frightened. No one said a thing as an awkward silence swept through the field of mars, I looked around seeing the fates had left me to deal with all of this mess.

"Well I guess you all know who I am now thanks to the fates, but I will only say this once I will take no full bows ever I think of them as putting yourself lower than me. But as of now you aren't allowed to bow a full bow to me, a simple head bow is enough if you insist on bowing to me." I said in a firm voice as everyone rose awkwardly, they kept silent as everyone just stared at me like a nuclear bomb about to go off.

'Reyna can you make them go back to camp to cool off of what happened, I will talk later about this at dinner okay.' I mentally told Reyna as she simply nodded and turned to the Roman forces.

"Everyone Perseus wishes to take questions and other things about what just happened, now go back to your barracks and get cleaned up. At dinner he will take the things you have to say in the meantime he will be staying in the council hall until then." She said and they responded by departing quickly and going back to the city, leaving Reyna and me alone as they left.

"Thank you so much you have no idea how awkward that was." I said to her as she just scoffed at me as if it was a joke.

"Lover of Diana huh, not bad for being alive only sixteen years." Reyna said not even looking at me, with my love powers I could feel a twig of jealousy from her.

"Whatever so what about this mess?" I asked pointing to the giant felid of blood and monster guts.

"Oh normally they disappear in a week or so, but until then I guess people will have to deal with the smell of rotting meat." Reyna said looking over the field, I changed back into my black clothes as I looked over it and got an idea.

"Fang come." I said pulling out Soul Reaper as Reyna looked at me like I was weird. But that look didn't stay on her face as suddenly some of the blood and guts started to form into a massive being then it solidified into a giant Drakon with one eye. Reyna almost screamed as I clamped my hand over her mouth just before she did.

"It is okay he is a pet okay he is on our side got it, if you do I will let my hand off okay?" I said to her as she looked at me then the Drakon as he starred at us. She nodded and I let me hand off her mouth, she then punched me on the arm but I didn't feel it as she hit my gem and injured her hand.

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