9 Camp Half-Blood Month One

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson




"Wait can I stay at both camps for a little, to get used to how they work before I begin?" I asked Athena seemed surprised I asked this then said something.

"That would be logical I suggest you spend three months in each camp, the day you turn twelve you will start your job." I nodded in approval.

"Know I officially name you Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, the aid of Olympus may you survive until you become immortal." Zeus said.

"Welcome to the job Percy." Artemis said.




They told me I have one day to get all my things together, for now I just stuffed it all in my backpack of awesomeness. I'm currently at the hunter's camp giving them one last dinner before I have to go to camp half blood. I decided I would go there first since it would be easier to adapt to the Greek life before a Roman one.

"So what do you guys want to eat, I'm up for anything to day ask away gorge yourselves with the finest food I can summon." Immediately Tracy's hand shot up.

"What would you like Tracy?"

"Give me baby back ribs, some cottage cheese, Caesar salad, and some fine French bread." She almost drooled when asking for it.

I clapped my hands together and the food appeared before her, she immediately dived in. The others hands shot you like wildfire; there were fancy foods like shrimp or crab. Even some calamari popped up with one of the girls; finally I got to Zoë to take her order.

"What would you like Zoë?"

"I would like a nice king crab, a side of butter, some normal salad, a small bowl or clams, and finally a slice of chocolate cake."

I smiled at this and snapped my fingers and the food appeared; I went over to the Cyclops in the corner of camp and summoned him a whole cooked pig. He immediately thanked me and started eating.

"Hey Bill (his name), I'm going to leave camp for six months then you can travel with me again okay. I need you to listen to Artemis, do as she says okay. I now she can be mean sometimes but try your best." He just nodded and continued eating.

As I walked to we're the wolves were I summed me a ham and cheese sandwich, can never deny a classic. As I walked closer to the wolves camp I noticed two larger ones, one was white the other was pitch black. I smiled and started to walk faster to the hounds, when I got there I polished off my sandwich.

"Het Orthos, Tia how are you guys doing?" As I petted them both, they leaned into it almost crushed me in the middle of them.

"Hey easy... Okay I'm going to ask you guys a favor for me, I need you to listen to me. That means I ask you to do what I say okay." Both their ears flattened in sadness, for they knew what I was going to say.

"I need you two to stay and protect the hunters, please listen to Artemis and hunters." Tia liked the hunters and so did Orthos, but they didn't like the lesbian ones like Kelsey and Cody.

"Please guy's."

I gave them puppy dog eyes, I've been learning from Tracy's use of it on me of the past couple years. They both tried to look away bot they eventually gave up and subcommand to the look. They looked down in defeat, I smiled and rubbed them behind their ears and patted them one last time.

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