69 Inspector, What Are Those Noises?

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"God why do they have to do it today of all days?" She asked herself as everyone looked confused.

"What is it milady?" Someone asked.

"Their having someone come down to take the inspection on our group like they do every forty years." She said as she hissed at the word inspection.

"Why is it such a big deal?" I asked her.

"Well you see there are standards we have to meet every inspection, but you see we quiet aren't up to those standards right now." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"So what happens if you aren't up to standards in the group?" I asked her.

"Well each error is a drachma, but the thing is they check our camp and our group. Even if a strand of hair is wrong they mark it." She said as I sighed.

"Well how long do we have?" I asked her.

"About ten minutes." She said with a week smile.


Man can the hunters clean, we left the senate house at that moment. But when we got to the camp they went like defcon 1 or something. Because they were running in their tent throwing personal items in the backpack we use to pack things.

"Hurry up ladies we have a couple of minutes left." Diana said getting them to go faster as she came over to me.

"Okay Percy I need you to change into rags or anything that is less stylish that that." She said pointing at my very stylish jacket and how skin tight it was.

"Okay you have anything I can use?" I asked her as she nodded. She ran to her tent grabbed something's and handed them to me.

"Use these they are for someone much bigger than you, we keep them around just for today." She said as I slipped on the XXXL shit and the stained purple sweat pants. I kind of felt like taking a nap all the sudden when I put them on, but I just had my jacket of awesomeness scan the clothes and changed into them and then I tossed the ones she gave me into the backpack as some hunters were finishing up.

"Okay ladies be done in one minutes then do your armor." Diana said snapping her fingers here and there fixing tent places and other things, even the fire wasn't left out as the stones were replaced with fancy cement ones forming a perfect circle. Just as she snapped her finger the last time to fix her tent I felt a power flash in a couple yards away.

Each hunter was in perfect armor now and standing right in front of their tent as Dian kicked my leg and got me into a graveling position. Just as I did a women walked in the entrance of camp, she wore a black business suit and had professional look to her. Instantly without a word she began marking thins on a clip board as the hunters stood still as trees.

Finally she reached Diana as the goddess gave her a friendly smile.

"I haven't see you before what happened to Becky?" Diana asked as the blonde pushed up her glasses and marked a few things.

"I am Sara I will be your inspection person to day, Becky was fired after accepting bribes from a god. I just recently graduated from inspection school and hope you treat me well for dinner." She said with a smiled as Diana also gave her a smile.

"Right this way." She said moving out of the way of her tent, as Sara went by she stepped on my hand with her heal. I had to admit it hurt but I didn't let out a sound as I starred hard into the ground.

"Very well trained slave, very nice do you happen to have any more slaves?" She asked.

"No I only have one as bare requirements, I will not have a female slave as the goddess of maidens. But I will only have one male one since they disgust me so much." Diana said kicking my side, it made me suck in my gut but I stayed put as she led the lady inside.

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