12 I win a bet and a night soon to remember

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Wyatt didn't see it coming as Percy planted a hard punch on the side of his cheekbone; he instantly hit the ground flat out cold after one spin from the power of the punch. The crowd stayed silent as the medics rushed out to help him up. The next thing Percy said made everyone angry and happy in different ways.

"That's it? Maybe next time you will send out your best for a mere child of Venus." The entire crowd roared in anger well except for the other children of Venus, Percy just smiled and went back to his starting spot and said one more thing.

"I don't even need my break send out the next fighter who cohort one has selected." The Praetors motioned for the next fighter after they broke out of their daze of amazement.

'Well this is going to be a lot more interesting.' Percy thought to himself.



Once they had haled of Wyatt Percy waited for victim number two to show up, it only took a little but some big guy came out. When I say big I mean six three made of pure muscle and looked like he was on steroids, a mini Hercules if one might think. He had a hammer that was pretty big and a solid chunk of mortal steel as a shield, but just or this occasion though.

"Percy Jackson will now face the leader of cohort five William Grayson, son of mars, the match will begin at the sound of the horn." Said the women, who liked to announce things from her little box.

He had a smug look on his face that showed confidence that he was going to beat Percy with a flick of his hand. Seeing as Wyatt was a new member to cohort five, he thought that he had an advantage against him with experience. Percy just took the ready position and waited for mister muscles to attack.

"Hey boy I can't wait till I'm done with you." As he said this he licked his lips.

Percy just stood like a stone then said something. "Hey I'm fine with beating you but just don't think my ass is yours after this, you gay weirdo." That was all he could think of at the time for insults.

Williams face change quickly as everyone in the crowds laughed at this comment, just before he was about to respond the horn blew starting the match. Within an instant Percy was running at William like a ninja, arms back and all. William swung his massive hammer faster than Percy thought so he ducked under the swing.

Amazingly William stopped the swing and swung down words at Percy as he do, Percy had to admit it William was pretty good fight. Percy dodged the strike once again and rolled to safety. When the strike hit the ground, a small crack formed were the head of the hammer was.

Percy charged again but William was ready during mid-swing he let go of the hammer and punched Percy in the face. Percy rolled with the punch somehow and rolled out of the way, by this time the crowd was roaring with excitement. Percy whipped the blood off his mouth and stood back up.

He reached around and grabbed black luster from its sheath, he held it ice pick style and waited for William to charge. As expected he did he swung the hammer downward with all his strength. Percy shot forward under the blow and kicked the knee of William; once he did William lost balance and face planted in the ground. Percy wasted no time grabbing his hair and holding the dagger to his throat.

"Yield." As he pressed the dagger harder into his skin, William could feel his energy being sapped away by the blade.

"I yield." He said, Percy let go of him and helped the monster of the man up. The crowd cheered in in excitement as William was the leader of cohort five. All the people who had bet on him not making it to the third round looked depressed.

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