97 Wedding Planning, Training, Lovers Lost

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It showed something I had not predicted Jupiter was pulling all troops from all the castles to the capital along with all his allies' troops. That meant all his allies would be gathered in the capital. Which meant that this would make it easy for me to kill him or hurt him into giving up. But as I looked at the map I noticed a small force coming from the ocean to the main river to the capital.

It had a little over 5 thousand troops but that number worried me a little, why would such a small force be coming to the capital for support. Troops of that number wouldn't change a thing but if they were elite troops that was something different. I just took a mental picture of the map and took it just in case.

As I walked out of the room I looked around one last time but again something caught my eye. As I looked at it I picked it up and examined the small black box, as I opened it I cursed at myself for being so stupid as I dropped it. As it hit the floor I was gone as the box containing a pin of a clock.

Symbolizing that Jupiter allied himself with one of the most powerful primordials left alive, Chronos the primordial of time.





I just sat quietly as I looked over the vast snow covered fields in front of me, I felt the cold breeze of December touch my uncovered hands. My jacket working its magic as it kept my whole body warm, the marks on the jacket had changed to a white version of my symbol nothing else. My warm breath turning to steam in the cold air as snow started up again, at least a foot from the previous night.

My black unruly hair was cut in a Caesar hair style, it short on the sides but the top was jelled. It was requested by Diana that I cut my hair shorter last year. My white streak stood up in the air the same length as the rest. I actually did like my hair like this from it longer normal look, and so did the ladies.

As I sat quietly I hear the simple sound of the wind and some fires burning on the top of the 150 meter wall. This was the last wall that stood in the way of the capital, with luck both Diana's and the ally god's armies reached it both at the same time. It took 5 years to clear out the last of the enemy's troops in the wall. Today was the 1 year anniversary of the last wall being captured, this just gave time for the army to rest.

But tomorrow we marched again, this time from all sides, but it was estimated we wouldn't reach the real capital walls until 10 years. Our army stood a strong 20 billion soldiers as Jupiter's and all his allies who hid in the capital stood 30 billion strong. But then again he had the help of not just Chronos but two other primordial gods thought to be dead.

Tartarus and Gaia stood with his forces along with their own adding another 1 billion of their most powerful monsters and elite troops. The giants and even titans allied with them all 12 giants and all the Titans the fought in the war in my dimension. I heard that Jupiter promised them freedom for their help, even Atlas was with them free from the sky.

The 3 primordials were was all that was left, the only reason they were helping Jupiter was because he made them a promise of more power after he won his prize. With that power there were hopping to bring back their siblings from the realm of the faded. I felt sympathy for them but I knew even with all that power they would only be able to bring back one.

But that didn't worry me for I would try and convince them to turn to my side. But if I couldn't I would kill them then revive them later. But I would have to wait a few millennia for each one, it took about 30 creators worth of power to even revive one. So I had the mindset that I would revive them later if they wished to be.

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