95 The 9 Lovers, Favors, They Know

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"I want to see this boy but not here I want to see him on the outside." She said as I was shocked.

"But Abyss will have my head, even if I am a god of decreation he can still kill me. Remember we cannot attack him he made us swear on it." I said as I shook my head.

"I know that is why I want you to kill me and you after we meet the boy." She said as I was at a loss for words.

"I have lived far too long in isolation and you cannot even touch anything without your gloves. Our lives have been ruined by Abyss, and I think it is time we overthrew him." She said as I just acted like a fish.

"But..." I tried to think of something but the truth was that we were the only sensible ones out of the 6. All I wanted was to feel a hug for once in my life but anyone I made contact with my skin I killed them. I was living in a pool of depression and I want to die honestly I had live a long hard life and I was ready to end it.

"Please I beg of you. But we cannot do it now we must wait at least 40 years for that is what the fates have told me." She said as I nodded and stood up.

"Very well I will take you out of this place in 40 years sister and then I hope we can help the boy kill Abyss." I said as I saw her nod.

"Thank you brother."

"Don't worry about it I am just fulfilling your wishes as a good brother should." I said as I walked out of the room and closed the door and let out a sigh.

"But for now I will have a meeting with the boy myself."

NOW: 80 years till 7 wake up


I slowly walked out of tent was I rubbed my stomach, I was tired from last night. As I walked over to the river to wash up (Chaos and Diana are using both the showers). As I leaned down to the water I saw a fish that I waved to as it swam in a circle in a happy manner.

"Morning Galaxy boy." I heard as I turned to see Tracy in her hunter's uniform.

"Morning." I mumbled as I used my powers to make the water wash my hair and face as I brushed my teeth with a summoned tooth brush.

"Don't you have a bathroom?" She asked me.

"Yeah but Diana and Chaos are using both of them so I kind of have to use the lake." I said spitting out my toothpaste.

"Oh well let me say you and Diana had a great time last night." She said as I coughed and swallowed my toothpaste.

"W-what?" I stuttered almost falling in the pond.

"How was your and Diana's fun time last night." She said slower with a smile that gave me chills of blackmail.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't, we all heard it so don't worry." She said as I just sighed in defeat.

"All of you?" I asked her as she nodded, I couldn't believe they heard me a Chaos.

"I thought I put up a barrier." I told her.

"Chaos has been having us practice out power and apparently a girl who is a certain daughter of Apollo can manipulate light to carry sound around or through a barrier." She said as I frowned.

"Damn you." She just laughed as I blushed hard as she patted my back.

"Well it isn't that embarrassing, at least your keeping true to Diana." She said laughing as I just shut and looked down as she stopped and just looked at me in my silence.

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