11 Meet Some Wolves And Child Of Venus?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"My name is Nick Wellington, I hope I see you again Aionian."

I nodded then grabbed my bag and walked into were Artemis was waiting for me. As I approached her she had a weird look on her face.

"I didn't know that men could be so nice and giving this is a first for me. Also did you notice who he was?" She asked as I walked past her.

"Well it was the right thing to do for him; he will train to get stronger so that he won't have to be saved again. Also I noticed who he was, looks like I'm not the only child of Poseidon anymore." At that she grabbed my arm to flash us to our next location.



In a dense forest in the California wilderness, a bird sat on a black by its nest. It was a peaceful scene of nature everything was undisturbed by the humans of the world. A lone brown wolf walked slowly past the scene, none of the other animals seemed to mind the dangerous predator.

It looked down as the birds chirped happily and the butterflies fluttered by landing on multicolored flowers. It continued walking alone; it almost seemed to have its mind on something else ask it walked in the scenic forest. A doe slowly walked in front of it out of nowhere, about twenty feet ahead.

The brown wolf looked up with bright glossy silver eyes; they looked like polished silver plates. It didn't attack the doe it just continued walking forward like it was going to meet an old friend. Once it got within five feet it sat down and just continued looking at the currently eating doe.

Once to doe finished it looked up at the wolf, it didn't run in fear instead its ears perked up like a dog's. Its eyes were a silver moon, if you looked close enough you could see the individual craters. They just looked at each other for a little in a silent conversation, for a while nothing happened until the wolf suddenly jolted back.

Its eyes were wide in multiple emotions, but one was present for white; surprise. The doe didn't move it just continued the conversation in their heads. After a while the wolf seemed to slump in defeat, if you were watching the scene you would think the wolf just got starred off by a doe. The wolf slightly nodded then started to run in an unknown direction in the wilderness.

The doe seemed to smile at this once the wolf had left its field of vision. Suddenly it lost its silver glow in its eyes, it stayed still for a second the suddenly looked around with its normal slanted eyes. It did this for a little like any normal animal then continued eating the lush grass that was in front of its legs.

The wolf kept running and running not even panting from the inhuman like speeds. The scenes of nature flew by like dust in the wind as the wolf kept dodging the trees and brush. After thirty minutes of running the world finally came to a slow trot as it came to a ruined two story house.

As the wolf approached other wolves came out of the building, they were all different colors. Some white other black as the night; they were all different sizes to. Some towered over the brown wolf while some were just a meat puppy. As the brown wolf approached the others seemed to bow to her, she held her head high like a queen.

She entered the building through a hole by the door once she seated on a chair in the middle of the room, every other wolf came in from different entrances. Once every wolf was settled and all was quiet, the brown wolf suddenly started to morph.

Bones started to grow and shrink; others seemed to morph into different bones all together. All the hair on the wolf's body stared to fall off onto the ground, all except the hair on its head. The body grew to about five eight and was the shape of a woman. Once the transformation stopped a women was kneeling on the ground, she had no clothes on and her brown hair came down to her but.

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