8 Discover Some Powers And Get A New Job

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'That's it Percy, release your true power it is finally time.' Said my mother's voice in my head

I released my anger all at once with it came a wave of power so large I thought it would break my body into a million pieces. With the new found power I let out a roar that would bring any god to his knees in fear, I heard the trees creaking and shaking from the force or the roar. Towards the end of the roar I felt a force surround my body and my world was encased in a sphere of pure darkness.




As Percy's roar started a black veil slowly came from above him. It slowly encased him and shrouded his whole body; he looked like a shade from hell that has never seen sunlight. Before anyone could say anything the shroud encasing Percy expanded suddenly, the hunters tried to run but the shroud was faster.

It turned into a slowly expanding dome of pitch blackness; it finally stopped after one mile encasing the whole mansion. The monster and the hunters couldn't move, in the dead center of it all stood Percy. His stubs weren't bleeding anymore; he stood still watching Perses as he just stood looking at Percy.

The titan was too afraid to move because in front of him stood a demigod that had so much power he could kill him with a flick of his wrist. Artemis just starred in fear at Percy, she suddenly collapsed down to one knee in a bowing stance. All the monsters and hunters also did the same in sync. Even Perses was brought down to one knee, he struggled against it with all of his might but it gave no yield.

Percy slowly turned to Artemis and Zoë who were kneeling beside each other. His hair seemed to be moving in a nonexistent wind, shadows dark as anything they have seen. Seemed to drip off it and fade into the dark dome, his eyes were completely different normal.

His eyes were calm flame, but the flames were different. The right eye was a black and white fire, while his left one was a calm red and bluish purple flame. His face held no emotion, only a blank look that seemed to stare past all barriers of emotional, and dig out all of the person's deepest secrets.

Percy extended his stub out for Artemis and Zoë to take. But he noticed this and said one word that seemed stupid to Artemis.

"Grow." That was all he said, in a deep commanding voice.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, 'why would he say that.' Artemis thought. What happened next made everyone jump, even the Olympians who were still watching. Somehow they were uninfected by the dome of power and were still seated in their thrones.

At first nothing happened but the there was a small movement on both of his arm wounds. Slowly something came out of the wound and formed into a bone hand. Artemis realized it was his actual bone that grew just now. Never could she fathom something like this existed.

After the bone finally settled on both arms; the muscle and blood veins started to form and around the bone. Muscle by muscle it steadily grew until it finally finished, and then the skin started to grow out of the muscle. After about ten seconds the hand looked good as new, he flexed the hand and moved it a little.

He finally knelt down and grabbed one of Zoë's and Artemis's hands. For once Artemis didn't want to destroy the male for touching her, it was a warm touch almost comforting. Zoë blushed uncontrollably as he grabbed her hand; she didn't know why she never felt like this normally when he was around.

"Rise, milady, and Zoë."

As he said this, they both felt the need to stand up, they both stood up with Percy helping them. Artemis stumbled a little and almost fell back down; Percy quickly caught her and stood back up. Percy could almost feel Apollo's rage threw the screen.

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