103 Long Awaited Day, Babies, What?

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"Don't do that you know I hate it when you do that." I said as she just smiled and snickered at me.

"Percy have you taken a look at the river of revenge lately?" She asked me.

"Not lately but I can feel it growing slightly bigger." I said, you see it officially became new to the world I possessed these powers.

"Well you need to have a closer look at it, my domain is growing stronger but I have a feeling it isn't normal. I believe Abyss I planning his revenge now, but he has stopped asking for other planets help seeing as it got him nowhere. But I feel he is planning something massive, but without help I do not know how." She said as I nodded.

"Got any fortune cookies that might help?" I asked her as she just shook her head like I was stupid. But she brought out one and gave it to me, I just looked at her as she shrugged and then walked over to her daughter and son Ethan.

"I hope this works." I said as I cracked it open as the words began to appear on the paper.

40 years is the time you have to prepare, but even then hardships lay in your path in your battle. But you will overcome those but at a price, remember you are not alone in this universe or any universe but one.

NOW: 39 ½ years later


The years went by faster than I would have like as I sat in my room quietly as I watched the clock. The second hand was slow as I waited for noon to come, only 30 seconds left as it ticked away slowly. My foot was tapping nervously as I watched the clock sweat poured down my face as I wiped it away. Today was important to all of us but I would get to why later.

My heart beat a million miles an hour as I just watched waiting and waiting every second seemed like an eternity. By my side sat Chaos 9 months pregnant and quietly reading a magazine as her belly bulged with our daughter Charlotte. The nine months had been hell for all of us, chaos got all the worst ends of it. Morning sickness, bloating, sore feet, massive chocolate covered cheese puff cravings, sensitive breasts, and many other things.

But on my other side sat Diana also nine months pregnant she didn't have any of those things Chaos had but the cravings which was rabbit stew. Both of them were in summer dresses as it was July but also for comfort as they bellies didn't allow much. Diana hated this the most since she couldn't hunt.

But the hunters were loving the time off from running around all the time, and Thalia was using this as a chance to meet some new people. Nico may be gay but I see the way he looks at Thalia, I guess he may be bisexual after all. But his still only says a couple of words to her and that is it. Terra and Kelly got married about 10 years ago as well as our current lesbian pairs of hunters.

It was one week of constant weddings is all I can say and many presents, one pair even went to the lengths of in vitro fertilization to have a child who was born about 1 month ago. She looks just like her mother Olive and Olympia, all it took was a little magic on my behalf to replace the man's genes with mine and boom it was a combination of both of them excluding the Y chromosome the male need to provide.

But it was bouncing baby girl with a tuff of blonde hair and her name was Celia. But after all that and stuff the hunters were all over the baby, even Riker was over protective of his niece. Speaking of the Zoë family she was currently living with her old and new husband Percy. After a little convincing on my part to him I managed to bring him back to life from the realm of the faded.

The fates just turned a blind eye to the act as I was the creator, and all the mumbo jumbo. Riker on the other hand was dating a women whose name I had forgotten. But she was totally perfect for him, she was one of Diana's citizens with all the elf like features. But she was a half breed of Greek demigod and elf and he just love her to death. Gem like her mother has taken up hating all me but me and other Percy.

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