47 To Tartarus We Go & Offer From A Brother

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But also two more dream catchers on the sides of the large ones as the bones were covered from head to toe in the leather that made up the strings that the dream catchers were made of. But it didn't stop there on my armor on my new white arm a dream catcher incased in a spot in the ice were there were no purple blood veins.

But as the power activated the current bird chirping I heard around me as I looked around to find a bird asleep on the roof I was standing on. I laughed as I changed back to my normal hoodie and my wings were put away.

"Man I am going to have to make a list of all the domains and stuff I can do if this continues like it currently is." I said looking at my gem which had two more small stones in it; one was white with a bird feather engraving. The other one was a see-through white/black color that had a dream catcher on it.

As I looked over it I suddenly heard a voice as I sit on the roof of this flying ship thing.

"Leo how much longer till we get to Annabeth's position?"


As soon as I heard the words I hit the deck, I practically went horizontal and fell on the roof. I turned on my invisibility as I heard the people walking below me as I watched the deck of the ship. As I looked over I saw Jason and Leo come from below deck, Leo went to the front of the ship were what looked like a control panel was located.

"About ten minutes until we come to her position, but from the scans all I can tell is she is right above what looks like a giant sink hole of a sort." Leo said doing something with the control panel.

"Okay we I hope she is still okay, Nick is still a little off edge as she had to do this on her own." Jason said as Leo nodded, suddenly a couple more footsteps were heard below me. Just in time for me to look down I saw five more people.

They were Nico, Frank, Hazel, Nick, and Piper I just kept watching as they had a discussion about things on the deck of the ship. Until suddenly a ding sounded from the control panel as Leo ran over to it.

"Guys get ready were a couple second from her position, Nick that mostly means you need to stay calm." Leo said as Nick gave him a glare but ran to the side of the railing as I got a eerie feeling in my stomach. But then the ship thing began to descend as I tried to figure out what was happening, then I remembered the prophecy of the seven.

"Dam I feel bad for these guys." I whispered to myself as I stood up still invisible, I hopped down making so sound thanks to my hunter skills. I walked over to the edge of the ship right by Piper as I saw a weird looking building. It didn't stand out but I could tell something was off about it as we descended right above it.

"Hey guys can you feel that?" Nick said as they nodded, so they also could tell that this was not a okay spot to be over.

"Yeah something feels wrong alright but..." Frank was cut off by what seemed to be a monster howl that sound somewhat like a scream/yell.

"Leo..." Nick said as he nodded and started to hit some buttons and other things, suddenly one of the turrets aimed to the building. Without a second thought he hit a button and the turret fired something that made a loud boom.

The explosion decimated the roof of the building and even moved the ship a little as the shock wave came over the ship. Everyone hit the deck as debris flew everywhere, I used a little of my power to put up a force shield around us to prevent any major damage.

As the ship stopped rocking around everyone passed a glare at Leo who just shrugged at them, then they turned their attention to the destroyed building. Instead of seeing rubble on the ground we saw something much different.

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