23 Artemis goes missing and New Armor Desgin

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Any questions?" I asked I got one hand.

"What is it?" I asked the kid.

"Were will you be since you're on defense?" He asked.

"I will be sitting by the base for Zeus's fist were we will put the flag, I can sense water particles for more than a mile so I can tell if someone is closing in on it." I finished he nodded.

"Okay if that is it go do what I assigned you, Athena kids pick some good formations okay." They nodded and everyone left leaving me to me at the Poseidon table. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my fake apple of Eris.

"Looks like you get to be used again my old friend." I said putting it back into my pocket and got up to set up my things.

NOW: (Time for Capture the Flag to Begin)


I sat by the flag on top of Zeus's fist while everyone ran around to get into battle formations, I had to clean the rocks as it was just covered in so much bird shit. It's amazing how much a little high pressured water can do, but I worked out a deal with the hunters not to attack the medic kids. Don't want a bunch of 9 and younger kids getting attacked by a hunter, to my surprise all the cabins were into it even Aphrodite cabin was in the attack force.

The Apollo kids had twelve around me in the trees they watched over me as I scanned with my water sense as I call it. The Demeter cabin was just out of my vision but they were in my bubble of water I could sense, actually the whole battle field was in my vision. I heard Chiron telling the hunters to be careful as of what happened last time; I heard it was pretty bad.

Then the horn sounded our massive attack force roared in one large battle cry, but I new once they passed the stream they would be very careful. Hephaestus kids would try and locate traps while the other did the same, but once the area was clean they would charge.

Once our force left my vision to deeper in the woods I closed my eyes and started using my radar. It looked like most of the hunters were in the trees but I could make out three distinct shapes running on both sides of the main force.

I started using my powers so much frost and ice started to form around me and the rock, it normally happened during winter when I used my water powers. Each season was different though steam for summer, frost for fall, ice for winter, water for spring.

But as I focused I noticed Nick wasn't going to make it as all three hunters advanced on him at once. He gave a good fight and managed to wash one downstream but got knocked out by the others.

Thalia was doing better and was in a standoff with one of them as two lay on the ground twitching from electricity. As I watched the whole thing unfold even more our main force was holding back the hunters in the trees, but the Hermes kids were blown through like nothing. Twelve lay knocked out on the ground twitching as the medics tended to them. The once the two hunters got too the Demeter kids they had a harder time.

I gave the Demeter kids orders just to stall them don't get into the fight yourself, and they were doing a great job. I could see roots and other things form walls or nature that seemed impossible to pass, but the two hunters seemed to begin to make their way through it. Thalia at this time had defeated the three hunters and was going to the main force, we were down to about thirty and they had only lost one. So far none of the kids had been killed only lightly injured.

But in a slit second I felt all the Apollo kids around me seem to get hit by something and fall out of their trees, I looked to see they all got an arrow to the arm. Medics came in quick and took them away; I looked around me to find all fifteen hunters around me grinning at me.

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