7 Two Years Later

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It was a donkey my sacred animal but it moved like an animation; its color was that of my emotions. It grows when I get angry but I've never been angry really, only frustrated but at that it grew down my arm a little. I like it but I still don't know ere it came from maybe I've forgotten, who knows.

After I got out of the shower I laid down for bed, my hair never stayed wet for long. I turned into my eight year old form; I find it easier to sleep like this. I felt myself drift off to sleep before I fell asleep I said one more thing that I forgot as soon as I said it.

"... Archos."



A boy sat on a cliff's overlooking a sunset; it made the water glow a dull orange. It mixed with many shades of red and yellow. The clouds were just on the horizon making the entire color blend vibrantly together. The water gently lapped against the cliff, as if it as trying to reach him. The moon was in the sky and had a vibrant glow that seemed to comfort him.

The sea breeze brushed against his face, blowing his unruly black hair back. He had on a black hoodie with a white eye is sauron on the back. He was about five four and looked to be eleven and a half.

His eyes were calm as he stared on into the beautiful sunset created by Apollo and Artemis as they were both in the sky. This boy was Percy Jackson; he was a male servant of the hunt if one might call him that. Currently he was on break before he had to summon dinner for the hunters like he always does every night.

He just watched the sunset slowly fade out of existence, as it slowly faded from sight he listened to his iPhone. He was currently listening to the song Monster by Imagine Dragons he scoffed as it came on.

"What a fitting song for me at this moment."

As he continued listing to the song he felt a presence appear out of the tree line behind him. He didn't turn around he already knew who it was after he honed his water powers when Artemis blinded him for a month.

Flashback: about a year earlier


I was walking to the waterfall for my shower like I always do. I made sure that no one was there first and stripped down till I was naked. I used my water powers to walk on the water, I been practicing my lately and needed more practice. As I washed my body I didn't notice that someone else was by the waterfall.

As I continued washing my body and hair I still hadn't noticed the person, they hadn't noticed me each other. Just as I finished up I opened my eyes to find a sight I will never forget. There stood a sixteen year old Artemis completely naked, not even a towel to cover herself.

In her form she had small B cup breasts and a small butt, probably fit in my hand if I grabbed it. Her auburn hair was already wet down to the top of her butt; her silver eyes looked at me in surprises. Her face looked surprised to, her vagina had no hair on it either.

We just starred at each other for about a second until found until her face got enraged. She raised her hand at me I immediately looked away but it was to later. My vision went black as night, a first I thought I was dead, but the sound of the waterfall ensured me I was still alive. I heard someone rush over to me and slap me across the face hard.

"You dam male what the hell are you doing here!?"

"I was taking my shower like I do every day at seven, I made sure no one was here you're the one who walked in on me."

There was silence from her for a while, then she snapped her fingers I was instantly dressed and dried. I felt my feet land on dry land, I still couldn't see anything. That's when she finally spoke.

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