41 Dates & Bottled Up Emotions

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"I found these in my room on the end of my bed and nice place by the way, I never get to cook anymore it feels nice." She gave me a smile that seemed to make her look as young as my mother Sally; she was a truly beautiful goddess.

"So I'm free the rest of the day you want go out and do something?" I said as I did realize I was free, and I am pretty sure the hunters can take care of themselves. She raised an eyebrow and seemed to think about it.

"Well after this I am not doing much so why not, we could make my first date in a millennia." She said blushing a bit but giving me another rare smile, after she left Zeus she seemed happier and more youthful than the cranky Hera I was used to.

"Why not I don't have to be back until ten so why don't we make it a date, go get showered and cleaned up I will finish up here. Just ask Khione were your closet is, she will point it out. Please don't ask it is complicated about why she is working for me, also Aphrodite is in charge of the clothes and makeup so it will be perfect I promise or I will hurt her." I said getting up and moving her out of the kitchen, I grabbed her sides as she shuddered and lifted her up and out of the way.

She was kind of short at five nine and looked about 25 at the best, she was light to as she jumped as I moved her. She just looked at the demigods to see if they noticed then punched my left arm, she gave me one more smile and then ran off to the door to my realm.


PERCY POV: (thirty minutes later)

I stood outside my cabin as overly stuffed Aphrodite kids and some unclaimed ran waddled out, even though I could tell they were on the edge of a food coma and ready to take a nap. Each one looked like they were ready to walk the catwalk and have their pictures taken, I caught of Piper who saw me and ran up.

She wore a simple camp half-blood t-shirt unlike the others who wore super expensive clothes, she didn't were makeup but she didn't need it from what I could tell. From the way she dressed she tried to not get noticed, but even if she tried she couldn't dull her natural beauty as it over powered the other girls who did were makeup.

"Hey Percy what's up?" Piper asked and stopping a couple of feet before me.

"Just going out till ten but don't worry I think today will be a busy day at camp today, the hunters are here today and that means capture the flag." I said smirking as she just she got a puzzled look.

"The hunters as in like Artemis's hunter are here?" She asked as I just nodded and she looked like she found an answer to something.

"So hope you have fun with the game, they are staying in my cabin since theirs isn't built yet. So have fun they will be out and the game should start today." I said giving her a wink as she just blushed at me and ran away, just as she did Hera walked out in some normal clothes.

Since it was June and it was hot she wore a simple pair of skinny jeans and a blue t-shirt, her hair was down and neatly curled but instead of its normal silver look, it was brown with silver a silver streak over on her right side. It still had small strand of silver but the light color of her hair and the silver made her look amazing.

She had a little make up on but other than that her light tan skin and her look made her look just about twenty year old in collage. She still had a mature look in her eyes but when she saw me she smiled as she ran up to me in her convers.

"So what do you think of the hair, Aphrodite gave me the idea." She said spinning a couple of times as it spun easily around her head, I have never seen her this happy I think her children haven't either.

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