44 Giants Never Saw It Coming & Romans

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"That felt good and I think that was kind of needed for all of us." I said as I returned to my black shirt and pants, the room returned to normal as I stretched my shoulder. What happened next as I walked one step I didn't expect.

I was tackled by five individuals all but one wearing silver, Hestia wore a simple brown t-shirt and black pants. While Artemis, Zoë, Bianca, and Hera all tackled me with their silver hunting jackets on with blue pants. I fell to the ground as the unexpected weight landed on me as the all congratulated me and thanked me for what I just did for them all.

"Hey you guys I realize that most the gods know about the whole river of lover thing but I think the others are looking at me a little weird." I said managing to get up to meet several angry expression.

"Okay I can explain." I said to Hades, Maria, Nico, and the rest of the gods who didn't already know yet. After a two hour explanation and some angry comments from two mothers they finally under stood and accepted it, Nico was all kinds of lost though. Piper looked a little jealous I had no idea why but as Zeus returned I finally got down to real business.

I sat down on my coach I had summoned with all five sitting around me but Artemis took over my lap Hera on my left cuddled with me as Hestia gave me the cold shoulder on my right. I finally got the chance to speak as Artemis laid down all our laps like a giant lap bed.

"Okay since that is all settled I have the second piece of information I was going to share, the second group with Nick and them have finally reached Alaska."



Hera just looked at me like how did I know; I just shrugged as the IM popped up across the throne room giving everyone a view of the current demigods. As it popped up I could make out the glacier were Thanatos was trapped. I just looked on to see Nick, some girl who reminded me of Hades, and some slightly cubby Asian dude. Thalia sat by Nico as they didn't pay attention to it as they conversed, so naive I thought to myself as I looked at Thalia talk to him.

As we looked on I notice a small hurricane going around the glacier, Poseidon smiled as he knew it was Nick who was in charge on of it. I saw the chubby Asian dude burning some stick thing but I could feel that was no normal fire coming from it. The girl was however holding off the giant Alcyoneus but she was losing sorely as she had many wounds and the giant stood strong.

Nick was holding off what seemed an army of shades as the fire melted through some chains holding Thanatos down to the ice burg. Three of the chains were gone as ne continued to melt the chains. But I could feel Nick was running out of steam as we watched the battle go one, but after a couple minutes of watching I could see Thanatos was finally free from his bonds as the kid put out the sick quickly.

Nick just then told the kid to go help the pore girl as she continued to barley hold her own against the giant. But as they fought him the kid ship shaped into different animals but the giant seemed not fazed by this as he pressed the two even harder. Nick ran out of juice as he collapsed on the glacier side with the shades surrounding him.

But then he did something stupid that made the gods gasp well almost all of them, Nick plunged Riptide into the glacier as the ice cracked around him. Poseidon followed what was happening as Ares or Mars as I should say looked pale, Hades or Pluto with Maria no his lap also looked pale as she started intently as the scene went on.

Then the glacier fell, Nick and the shades in tow as the ice cracked and fell into the ocean, I could feel Nick was exhausted as he washed up shore on a nearby floating piece of ice. But the other two just stared at the giant laughed at the boy.

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