6 The First Day As A Slave

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


After that was all done I put the puppies in there, they instantly fell asleep snuggling against each other. I took off my hoodie and laid it beside the bed and flopped on after I took off my shirt. I quickly got under the covers and fell asleep without any dreams.

"Night mom."

"Night Percy hope you like the new position I got you while you are hear."

"It was you who gave her the idea?"


"Thanks, well I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you to Percy, goodnight."

After that I finally fell asleep thinking of tomorrow's chores. How hard could they be right?



I was having a nice dream it was about some person wearing a fish hat and there were horses that breathed fire. Some other things but I can't remember at the moment, well I was in the middle of this when suddenly a bucket of ice cold water splashed on me. I immediately screamed like a little girl and proceeded to fall of my bed onto the ground face first.

"I told you five boy, when I say five I mean five" said a grumpy Artemis.

"Also if you screamed any louder I might have thought you were one of my hunters and I walked into the wrong tent." She said with a snicker.

"Gee you could have just knocked that would have been just fine." I grumbled as I searched for a shirt in my bag.

"Well that wouldn't have been any fun, now would it boy? So get dressed and come meet me over by the kitchen you have to make breakfast before you start on chores." As she finished she walked out of the tent with a satisfied face.

Once I got dressed in a pair of simple black pants and a white grayish shirt I put on my usual hoodie. I looked around real quick I grabbed the vampire tooth necklace and my weapons I put them on like I do every morning. As I walked out of my tent I was met with the scent of the forest with dew still everywhere.

I only had a short time to marvel at this till I was snapped out of it by a slap to the face, not very hard but it still hurt.

"What was that for?" I shout/said.

"You were standing there with a stupid look on your face, like every male does naturally. So I decided to slap you back to reality." Artemis said as she looked down on me. She was in her 13 year-old form she stood a solid five feet five inches. I was still at five one and still growing so I still had a chance.

"Well anyway come with me boy."

"Okay." I said as I rubbed my cheek, it still stinging a little from the slap.

As we arrived at the kitchen I noticed almost all of the hunters were there. But they still had groggy looks on their faces from waking up. Some hadn't even done their hair and looked like a rat's nest. I walked with Artemis over to the kitchen until I said something.

"Lady Artemis, do I have to cook? Why don't I use my powers instead it easier and more efficient?"

"You can summon food boy?" She raised an eyebrow at this.

"Yes I can since you have been gone so often I summoned food for them every meal of every day while you were here."

"Okay let's see how many orders you can handle at once boy. Hunters time to eat!" She shouted the last part to get every hunter to the dining table.

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