48 Passing Of The Pit & For Piper's Saftey

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"I have heard of the exit of this place, I have to hold the button for a time don't I? If that means she gets home safe I will gratefully stay down here the rest of my immortal life." I said to him as I looked at his eyes, he was taken back at what I was willing to do for her.

"You never seize to amaze me Percy; you are truly what mother expected out of you that is for sure. But I think you are wrong that you think you will never leave this place." He said which confused me.

"What do you mean I must have someone hold the button on the elevator, and I don't think any monster is willing to hold that button for me." I said as he smiled a little.

"Percy did I say anything about you taking the elevator, this is kind of what I was wanting to talk to you about." He said as I got a confused look on my face.

"What were you wanting to talk to me about?" I asked him.

"Percy I am thinking of going were my brothers and sisters are, I am thinking of fading Percy. But I cannot leave this place to itself that is what I am coming to you for." Thing suddenly got a lot clearer as he said this.

"Percy I want you to inherit my domain of the Pit."



I just sat staring at him as the words came out of his mouth, for a couple of minutes the only sound was a Piper's sweet snore. Finally after a while I had it all worked out in my head about why he wanted this and all of it.

Tartarus was very lonely I could tell that much, but with the current loss of our family he lost what little he had that he cared for. Me and Gaea weren't enough to keep his will in the realm of this world, so he decided to fade to again meet our family that he loved. Gaea being the bitch she currently is I kind of understand his feelings in the whole matter.

"Okay I will inherit your domain of the pit, but I want to know before I officially accept it the domain. Do I have to come here every so often and do things?" I finished as he smiled at me.

"No you don't it is self-regulating like the sky and love, you don't have to do much. But occasionally checkup and torture someone nothing much, just accept the domain and it will be yours once you leave this place." He said as I grew a little confused at what he said.

"What do you mean once I leave this place?" I asked him.

"Oh I mean it is the thing you have to do to unlock the domain, but you can't use any powers that remain on you. But you can use Hestia's blessing for food I know how little food there is down her trust me." He said as I almost laughed at his facially expression.

"Okay I will leave soon but I have one request before you fade, tell mom I said hi okay." I said standing up as he stood up; I gave him one good hug as he seemed not to know what to do as I did it. After a second I let go as he starred at me like I was some fool.

"Tartarus I know I only knew you for a short time but good luck in the realm of the faded, I hope you meet mother and again tell her I said hello and I love her. Also tell the others for thank you for their gifts and domains, I don't really know what else to say." I finished as suddenly a tear left Tartarus's eye but only one and he whipped it away before he thought I could see what it was.

"I will Percy don't worry I will, I guess I will watch over you in the realm of the faded take care young one." He said as suddenly he body started to flicker out of existence, he just kept looking at me with a proud smile as he flicker once again the finally vanished all together.

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