89 Birthday, Mark's Fight, This Is Good

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"Or else what, have your way with me?" I asked in an angry tone as he just narrowed his eyes at me at how rebellious I was being.

"I just might." He said leaning into me as I turned my head away but he force me to stay staring at him. He stopped not even a quarter of an inch from me as my eyes radiated hatred at his every being.

"Maybe next time." He said as he pushed my head back as I starred at the desk trembling in rage.

"Fucker." I whispered as I was suddenly jerked up from my chair by the arm in a painful position, I gave a small cry as he let held my arm behind my back and dragged me over to the bed.

As he let go I was sup around and then slapped by him as hard as he could, my cheek burned in pain as I landed on the bed he just stood staring at me as I held my beet red cheek. Looking at him with scarred eyes, I may be the creator but this man frightened me.

"You will be assigned more guards everywhere you go and five on the outside of your chambers. If you ever do that again I will have my way with you Chaos, I will have your right in the middle of a party if I must." He said as I gulped knowing full well he would.

"Yes Abyss." I said in a quiet voice as he started to quickly walk out of the room as he slammed it as hard as he could without breaking anything. As he walked in the hall I heard him scream orders to the guard and other people. I just laid in bed as I crawled over to my black pillows and began crying.

"Please Percy you're the only one who can stop this." I begged as I cried myself to sleep.



As Tracy dragged me to the party I felt almost a call in my heart like someone just begged me for something. I get them occasionally as people beg for change in the world, and as the creator I feel their prayers like a god accepting a meal sacrifice.

"Come on Percy we don't have all day." Tracy said as I realized I had stopped.

"Sorry just felt something." I said as I stuffed the letter in my pocket and went into the tent where Zoë was already stuffed into a chair and forced to sit in front of a 2 layer silver cake. It had the words 'Happy 300th' written on the cake as she just blushed as the hunters hollered at her.

"Alright Percy is here you can blow out the candles now." Tracy said as Zoë blew out the 3 candles on her cake as the hunters cheered. Riker and Gem were clapping as they stole the cake away and began cutting it.

"Okay now presents while the two cut the cake!" Alex said as Zoë just looked like she didn't want to do it.

"First is from Gem and Riker." She said handing her a plain brown paper wrapped box with a plain bow on it. She looked questionably at it as Gem just gave her a smile as she cut a slice and put it on a plate with the other slices Riker just blushing.

"Why don't you think we were here today?" She asked as Zoë got the message as we left to get her presents.

"Got it." She said as the started to tear the thin paper to find a fabric box, as she opened it she smiled at the earrings in the box. Simple crescent moons is all they were as she hugged her daughter and son that came over and then she sat back down.

"Thank you." She said as she put them in a pile of soon to be opened presents.

As time went on she got a total of 5 presents from the hunt, which included the earrings, a new bow, new knifes, a silver cloak that would blend into its surroundings, and finally a bottle of unlimited forest scented shampoo. The last one she freaked out a little with joy but quickly pulled herself together.

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