42 Khione gets it and Hera Cant Wait

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As I set Hera on her bed I took off her dress revealing a blue D cup bra and some blue panties, I held myself back from copping a feel as I tucked in the drunken goddess. As I finished up Hera was on her side mumbling stuff, I bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and left her to herself. When I got out I had some people waiting for me as I guess they could feel me enter my realm as I hadn't tried to conceal my power as I did.

"Hey handsome what are you doing in Hera's room." Said Artemis who was wearing some nighties that were silver, along with Zoë, who just wore the same thing as she did.

"Just putting her to bed after a long day, so is Khione and you guys ready or do I have to get you ready." I said walking up to Artemis and Zoë and pulling me as I had on hand over their small asses, they blushed deeply as I felt their asses as they were lifted to their tippy toes.

"No she is ready for you and so are we so why don't you fallow us down to her room." Zoë said giving my dick one good rub and escaping from my grasps with Artemis, she pulled Artemis over to Khione's room where she did the come here sign with one finger seductively.

"Looks like today won't end after all." I said as I took off my white over coat and followed the two five six women to where a waiting snow goddess lay.



As I walked in the room I noticed it was slightly cooler than I thought as I looked around, its walls were painted to look like ice and the floor looked snow covered with the carpet. All the furniture was acutely ice other than the bed and the cousins on the ice framed furniture, in the middle of the room was a bed the same size as mine in my room with light blue curtains and sheets around it.

Artemis and Zoë were sitting on the bed with Khione what was in her kimono that had close up snowflakes on it. Her normal pale skin was a slight shade of gold around her cheeks and she looked up at me to only look away as this was really happening tonight.

"So Percy are you going to dive right in or do her slow like you did Zoë?" Artemis asked as she started to undress to her undergarments which were white and had different designs on them.

"I don't know what do you think Khione?" I asked setting down my white over coat and loosening my tie as I walked over. Zoë did the same as Artemis but she wore blue undergarments instead of white.

"I want you to do me slowly." Khione said blushing as Artemis and Zoë just nodded but had a glint in their eyes that was a sign of mischief.

"Well come over where so we can all see that beautiful body you hid in this clothing." I said standing a few feet in front of the bed.

Khione stood up and came in front of me as Artemis and Zoë just sat there watching Khione as I dwarfed her, it looked I was about to rape her. But since she agreed to this technically I wasn't, but as she got a foot in front of me she slowly undid her belt and then the kimono fell the ground in a heap.

When she did I could feel her skin give off a cool feel to it as her pale skin and her black long hair with her chocolate brown eyes looked amazing on her. She stood there trying to cover herself up a little as I scanned every inch of her body; she had on a only panties as her C cup breasts had light pink nipples.

She shifted awkwardly as I stepped closer and grabbed her with my hands; they took up her full shoulder as they were so large. I looked at Artemis who nodded saying go for it as Zoë looked left out and started to suddenly go for Artemis tackling her to the bed. Khione's cold skin felt good on my warm hands as I leaned down and went in for the kiss.

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