60 First 4 12 Months & Pre Battle Jitters

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Artemis even told us who was having how many it was Artemis 2, Hera 2, Hestia 2, Zoë 2, Piper 1, and Bianca 1. The three goddesses were ecstatic they were having twins and Zoë was surprised so much she fainted the others were kind of upset they only got one.

But as today came to an end we returned to our plane as we started our departure home. Waiting for us at the plane was the president and his crew of guards.

"I am sorry you must leave Percy." He said shaking my hand as everyone was loading up.

"I am sorry as well, but I must protect my home as well. I know I was born here but this place is my mother's home not mine. Currently mine is going to be attacked soon so I must protect it, also I thank you for letting me stay on this planet for my honeymoon." I said as he just let go of my hand.

"I should thank you for showing you are alive, that way I can tell the people the blood line of the creator is not dead yet. But I wish you luck on your endeavors Percy." He said as I nodded and started to board the plane.

I took one last look at the planet my mother lived on, but I just turned back around and boarded the plane in hopes for a better future.




I woke up that morning to an interesting sound, which I couldn't quite make out. I got up from the bed not noticing that all the women were missing from the bed. I followed the sound to the bathroom to find a very interesting sight. By the toilet was Piper throwing up last night's dinner or Breakfast in the toilet.

I walked over and helped her with her hair as she continued to throw up in the toilet. She just nodded at me as she threw up one more time the she wiped her mouth with some toilet paper and stood up. I flushed the toilet as Piper went over to the sink and began to wash out her mouth not saying a word as I just sat on the toilet and watched her.

"So not going to school today?" I asked as she just nodded at it.

"You call in?" I asked.

"Artemis did for everyone." She said through a mouth full of foamy toothpaste.

"Ah so morning sickness is kicking all of your asses huh." I said as she laughed at my small joke.

"I guess you could say that but I am the only one who threw up." She said as she rinsed out her mouth and spit in the sink.

"Well you still look beautiful." I said as I kissed her head as she blushed in my shirt.

"Yeah at least I am not Zoë right now." She said as I cracked a smile at her joke.

Zoë had been okay with morning sickness, but her breasts getting sore was like hell to her. They were so sensitive that she had to wear Band-Aids under her bra to keep them from rubbing her nipples. With the slightest bump of her breasts on something she let out a torrent of moans and gasps as the pain and pleasure mixed for her.

Piper had gotten the worst of the morning sickness while the others were okay, but I had to say I like how their breasts were growing from the pregnancy. But I also had to admit it the goddesses especially Hera were not taking a liking to human pregnancy symptoms.

"Percy!" I heard from the other room as I got up to see what was up, but not after making sure to lie Piper down for a nap.

"Yeah." I said as I walked in the room.

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