79 Eli's Mansion, Today You Die, Hunters

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'You sure do like this gift from us don't you?' Jessica said as I laughed a demonic laugh, the laugh could be heard through the roaring winds and rain clear as day.

'More than you think.' I said as I cut the tornado around me, I stood 12 feet tall of platinum lined scales with black hell fire wings. My body was tall and perfectly muscular not too much or too little. The water around me formed ice shards which harmlessly bounced off of me.

As I transformed my storm grew more erratic, with more tornadoes and lighting and rain. Pummeling down on the enemies ships but not on ours. Black fire came out of my mouth with each breath as I watched the gods shake in fear. My fangs ran over my jaw and what you would call lips.

I had a total of 8 horns all black as night with all five wings out, my face was that of demons. My tail hung low with my blades sheathed away, Soul Reaper nestled away in it sheath. I just stood still as the gods gawked at my form. My claws seemed so sharp you could get cut by them by simply starring. As the harbinger of death itself I felt powerful in this form.

"You will all die now." I said as I summoned my darkness domain and covered us in a bubble. In a matter of moments the bubble disappeared. I just stood in the same position but with a giant ball of something bellow me. It was now blood but the gods dead bodies all frozen together by their own blood.

"You." I said pointing at the last god I left alive.

"Y-Yes?" He stuttered as he looked at the ball of bodies.

"Go fetch Eli me and him have a score to settle."


I stood in the middle of my man made storm as it decimated the enemies fleet like nothing. The giant tornado of EF-12 move a mile a second across the ocean. With winds above or close to Mach 1 it threw splinters of wood so fast it could penetrate people's skulls with ease. I just stood still watching as I heard roars of the wind.

I was waiting for Eli to come to me as I stood silently just watching millions of people die, the ocean was so thick with blood that the tornados were starting to turn red as well. Even the rain began to turn blood red as the storm raged on.

But I still floated in the same position in my animal form of a King land Ruler, my armor kind of reminded me of Diablo off of Diablo 3 the video game I used to play. Just with black skin/scales with platinum trim instead of red. Also five pairs of wings made of black fire, but the helmet looked just like his head with the horns at the sides and such.

Even the eyes were the same color, I don't know how but they were uncannily similar. But still different somehow with the tail being longer and thicker, and the color of the skin/scales. But I still had the pockets of glowing areas but they were black instead of red.

"Percy come in." I heard on my intercom still in my ear somehow.

"Yeah this is him." I said in a normal voice.

"Just calling to say the enemies have put up the sigh to surrender." He said to me.

"Tell them I will show no mercy to the enemies of Diana, you might agree to the surrender but I will not until every last ship is sunk." I said as I felt him shiver on his side.

"Very well our men will stay and wait for you to end then we will march towards Jupiter's land." He said.

"Very well...I have to go I have a guest." I said as I mentally shut off the com.

"Well it is good to see you Jackson." Said Eli as he stood on nothing a few feet in front of me, his head only coming up to half of my height.

"Eli." I said looking at him in his running suit and goggles he had on, but even in this harsh win nothing on his body even moved. With my very keen sense of hearing, I listened to a song he was playing on his headphones.

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