74 Neptune's Place, Diana's Back

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"That would be nice." I said walking faster to the ocean.

'You could even introduce your family to her once Artemis and the rest give birth, I bet she will love you just like your mom did.' Balance said as I smiled a little of the thought with a real family.

"They would lover her sparky attitude." I said as I stepped in the water as I began to swim out to my next destination.

'Exactly and after they meet up you can have a happy family here or in your other dimension." Balance said.

"Yeah but I don't want to wait another 500 years." I told her.

'You know that dimension travelers that have traveled between different dimensions don't lose energy like they did the first time right?' She asked me.

"I had no idea about that...but I like this place better. After I kill Abyss I will straighten out the Roman beliefs about Greeks." I said confident getting out of my slump.

'That's the spirit now let's go to Neptune's continent alright.' Jessica said.

"Yeah let's go I have business to take care of." I said diving into the water and shooting off at incredible speed, my mind clearing up from the earlier dilemma.



I was in a waiting room waiting for the battle to meet Neptune as I looked over Soul Reaper, I sat alone on my bench. Diana contacted me about a week ago saying that this was supposed to be the last god I visited. So I sat patiently as others just watched me carefully, some were blue fish men.

Others were gods as they just watched me sharpening their swords, some had wings others carried giant clubs. There was exactly a 100 participants in the match, I was apparently the one to look out for. Or so one person told me but I guess they were going to gang up on me but I didn't mind.

"Hey you that one dude everyone is talking about?" He asked as I looked over to see some fish dude.

"I guess what are they saying?" I asked him there was about a minute until we were let into the ring.

"They say you kill gods like flies a simple swat of the hand they die with ease." He said as I laughed.

"Well I have only killed a few gods but some don't fall so easily and I sense that some of these men are more powerful than they were." I said as she man smiled.

"Well if you don't mind I am betting on you I have faith in you my friend." He said as a buzzer went off signaling we enter the ring or coliseum I called it. But I did feel most of these men were about Olympian level gods in my dimension, I couldn't believe they were minor gods I this one still.

'Percy you ready?' Alpha asked me.

'Yeah I am ready I am tired of waiting around.' I told him.

'Good by the way to clarify something that I have had on my mind for a while, you are over the whole Chaos incident?' He asked me as Jessica smacked him in the armor.

'Yeah I am I realized she wasn't my real mom my mother died protecting me and the universe from Abyss. But I am over it to be honest I think nothing of it other than she is a different person entirely.' I said as we walked in the giant arena as the crowd roared.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you the 100 fighters whom wish to talk to Lord Neptune." Some man said as he stood next to Neptune who had Poseidon by his side in armor.

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