84 The Battle Of The Phoenix, Jessica

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"Nothing just let me go, if you do I will let you get your soul." She said in a panic.

"Thank you." I said as gently kissed her on the cheek, as I didn't I felt her melt right through my fingers as she fell to the ground in a heap of a horny mess.

I turned around and turned no my radar for the closes energy signature to Zoë's, for miles I ran and ran as finally I found it. As I closed in I found the child's soul, it was sucking on it thumb as it looked around at everyone.

"Hey Riker." I said as the baby giggled and looked at me.

"I am going to take you home okay." I said as bent down and placed and hand right above his head, I began to revive his soul right there his soul began to glow golden. As it did he got a excited face finally after expensing more energy that I would like to I picked up the fully revived soul of the child.

As I held the child, in my arms he giggled at my face. I guess even if he was unborn he thought I was his father.

"Let's leave this place." I said as I hooked his soul to mine brought my soul back to reality. With a gasp from me and Zoë we both shot up breathing heavily, she looked at me funny as I stood up to take a breath.

"The deed is done." I said as she looked at me with a smile.

"Thank you." She said with tear in her eyes as I nodded.

"Don't thank me yet remember you still have to give birth to him."

"Dammit I forgot about that part." She said as I smiled as my day was completed.




"Dad!" I heard Riker call to me.

"I told you not to call me that." I said as I turned around to see a spitting image of me and Zoë mushed into one being. He hand black hair that was messy but in a kind of good way. His eyes were volcanic black but had streams of sea green running in them. He wore a pair of blue jeans and a hooded jacket that was silver like the hunters.

He always had mischief on his face as if he just pulled a prank but right now it was one of dammit if forgot about that.

"Sorry I meant Percy, mom is calling for you." He said looking over the cliff as I sighed.

"Just give me a minute." I said as I let go of the bar I had place in the side of the mountain/cliff side. With that I swung once and flipped onto solid ground by Riker, as he just awed at me.

"When will you allow me to do that again?" He asked me as I grabbed the towel provided by him so I could clean my body.

"When your mother lets you and after you turn 16." I said as he huffed in anger.

"You two are never any fun, god I ask for a sword for my birthday but you guys give me armor." He said mimicking a small mouth with his hand.

"If I were you I would stop that." I said as he looked at me like I was joking.

"Whatever." He said as he was suddenly smacked by Zoë who was standing behind him.

"Oww." He said in a hunched down form rubbing his head.

"I think in all his years of training you forgot how to teach him how to treat men." I said putting back on my shirt as Zoë smiled at me.

"Your funny." She said as I laughed a little.

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