102 Calm Before The Storm

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"Had to live up to the name Minerva, but I will be going soon hopefully it isn't to corrupt. How long has it been since he first had contact?" I asked her.

"One week." She asked as I sighed that was more than enough time for them to spread throughout the world.

"I will see if there is anyone left who is free of the crazies. Wish me luck." I said as Minerva stopped me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nico is coming with you as he was asked by Diana to follow you." She said as I just about lost a gasket.

"Well if he is need I remind him I am a married man Nico." I said as the shadows in the room gathered showing an Italian man with black long hair to his shoulders in a business suit.

"Always playing hard to get I like it." He said with a lick of his lips as I just sighed.

"Whatever lets go prince of darkness." I said as he just laughed and grabbed my shoulder as we flashed out to our destination a planet several hundred light-years away.




As we popped out of my teleportation I looked around to find us in what looked like a vision of earth but during the Iron Age with castle and other stuff that screamed medieval. As I let out a low whistle my clothes changed accordingly to my cloak as the darkness that seemed to be sticking to Nico already. They just kind of hopped over and connected my cloak with the shadow as my hood went up.

"Man if you weren't a married man I would so be all over you right now, I love it when you go all dark and mysterious." Nico said snapping his fingers as he own cloak popped up but not like me, which with the current rain and darkness of the clouds. Kind of made it looked like I was leading a tunnel of darkness.

"What happened to the emo child I used to care about?" I asked myself as he heard me.

"He is still here right beside you." He said with annoyed tone.

"Not my point but anyways do you see anybody?" I asked him looking around seeing nothing but empty streets contrary to the rain and darkness it was the middle of the day.

"No I don't and I don't feel anybody in the shadow for miles." He said in a worried tone, hopefully we weren't too late.

"Follow me I sense humans in that direction." I said pointed to my right as I turned to find a giant castle that stood above all the stone houses.

"It always has to be the largest structure." Nico said, as we began walking as I sighed. I don't really like going on theses missions because normally it leads to one thing I don't really like doing. And that is cutting off all the rivers from the planet, turning it into a wasteland were nothing can grow.

After mastering the control over the rivers I found there was nothing I couldn't control but, I hated using those powers it just made everything to easy. Such as the river of life, I could easily as buttering toast take it from some monster. So I kept it on the down low I had theses powers the only ones who actually knew was Abyss obviously, Chaos, and Diana.

"Well whatever let's get going I don't want to lose another human life because we were a second to slow." I said as I began making short shadow jumps that the cloak let me do energy free.

"Wait up!" Nico yelled as he caught up with his own shadow travels as we ran on top of roofs closing in on the castle. But as we did I saw something out of the side of my eye, but as I looked and saw it I sighed.

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