28 Trip Back Home, Cereal, and Number 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

A/N: If you're wondering I do most my work over the weekends so that's why they come out faster on them. Also remember to review my story I also passed 50,000 views which I think is a lot, so congrats to you for viewing my story.


"What?" I asked.

"You just starred off into space for a while, I was just saying we finished what I needed your help on you can go." Poseidon finished.

"Oh okay, I have my powers to work on water is easy but I need to be able to use it longer and Night and Darkness is getting easier almost able to Shadow travel twenty times and not pass out." I said proud of myself as I walked away.

"Oh one more thing Percy." Athena said to me.

"Yes Athena?" I asked her turning around, her face was a little awkward but she asked anyways.

"Have you been using... protection with them?" She asked, it didn't hit me until I actually thought about it.

"What I haven't even had it yet I'm waiting longer still I'm not even sixteen, and they told me when it does happen they don't want it." I said as I blushed a deep a red as possible.

"Oh and you guys I don't want a brother again for a while so dad try and keep it in your pants of use protection." I said as I left the room leaving both the gods red as a tomato.


As I flew back to my camp I had set up in Montana somewhere my thoughts drifted to the past events over the last year and a half. So far I have only unlocked two domains water and shadow and I had grown so skilled in water it was amazing, but every time I used my domain my armor would change to that domain type. Unless I was wearing my cloak or armor, I haven't used my armor that much over the past year.

As I flew I decided to test out the length of my water power at max for the first time in a couple of months, well on this scale. I reached out inside myself as I found the dam holding the power over the seas, unlike this one it was filling the third fastest out of all my powers. The dam was about half full as I reached into it grabbing the power, when I opened my eyes I was ready.

I held my hand out as my appearance changed from my black hoodie and pants to armor made completely of ice. It was see through but if you could see the designs on it you would be amazed, underneath it showed a blue t-shirt and blue levies. The armor was about two inches think and moved like a dream.

It didn't have a helmet but around me were four spikes pointing around me. The sides to my head seemed vertical to my face like / that around me higher in the back but shorter in the front. My hair was cover in a thin ice on each stand of hair as it spike itself up, all in all I like of looked like a heavy duty combat ice solider.

After the transformation was done I felt all water around me under my control, so I decided to do something different. I tried to test my limit of mass control over water; I crossed my legs and controlled the water in the air to form a flat surface under my legs. My wings folded around my body like a small cocoon around my chest, as I steadied my breathing I reached out and grabbed the water.

The ocean erupted with more than fifty seven feet wide tubes of water, each the same size moving around me like snakes in the air. I then started to shape them into different things; some when they finally came out of the water were nearly two football fields long. The longest one I shaped into a Chinese dragon.

Every detail was there even the super long mustached whiskers on the lip. The others became fish, sharks, water people battling upside down, some were even portraits of things I have seen before. The water for about two square miles turned into the camp I was at the mountains and all even the trees had all the needles on them.

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