2 The Beginning

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any character in this story.


Chaos knew this was the only way to protect her new son. "Okay. But Eros, if you hurt him I'll throw you in the void. Fly careful I don't want you to get hurt either." As she said this she gave on last look to Perseus and kissed I'm on the head.

Nyx grabbed her arm and teleported away. Order looked at Eros and gave a simple nod and put the spell on the baby and teleported away, as Eros left with the bundle in his hands and a long journey ahead.




There sat two people. One had his head hung low in sadness for his lover. There she sat crying at the news she just received. The news that would forever change her life. After a while of her sobbing in silence that man finally decided to speak.

"Listen... I'll try anything to get you better. I'll ask Hecate for a potion I will fix this. Okay." He said with great worry.

"No what's done is done. Nothing will change that it's just the way my body is. I will not take any potion of Hecate's potion, so if you try to slip me some. I swear on Styx I will send you to Tartarus." The sound of thunder rang in the distance as she finished.

You may be wondering who these two are they are Sally Jackson and Poseidon. Sally just got the news, after 3 long years of trying to have a baby; she was tested to be infertile. She couldn't have a baby even through artificial insemination. They are currently trying to decide what to do, since they cannot have a child.

"What about adoption?" This idea was new to Poseidon.

"I don't know." He said with worry he wanted to have a true son not an adopted one.

"I know it sounds weird to you. But you can use your godly powers to make him your true son. That way he would still be your son." She said enthusiastically.

He didn't see it like that. Plus it would make Sally feel better since she got the news. Also he was a sucker to her will she was a queen to him. He wanted to make her happy no matter what.

"Okay. I will do as you want. I don't want to bring someone innocent into our world. So we will look for a demigod baby and I will adopt him. Okay?" He said hopping she would agree.

"Yes! I believe that that would be okay. I don't want to bring any more normal people in his world. Let's go looking in a week; it will give me time to regroup myself. If that is okay with you." After she said this he saw the happiness in her eyes of the idea.

"Yes let's do that when you are better."



A man with wings a white as could be landed in New York central park. He had a bundle in his arms that looked like a baby. The baby was sound asleep, not a worry in the world. On the other hand the man looked like he just ran a marathon, not drinking any water, on one leg, blindfolded.

He sat down on a park bench to catch his breath. After a little while in the cool night air the baby started to move. This made the man jump because the baby hadn't moved at all on the 36 year journey on the way to earth. After he got the baby to calm down he sat back down on the bench deciding what to do.

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